#alamw13 Top Ten (ha!) Tweets – Day 3 (Sunday)

January 28, 2013

It’s #sweatervestsunday, although that’s hardly the only event to make a Twittersplash yesterday. Also popular were #LibraryFamilyFeud, Top Tech Trends, Caroline Kennedy, the Digital Revolution of Public Relations session, Council I, #fakealamw13, and the Best Fiction for Young Adults Teen Feedback Session. (Seriously: Publish the #bfya feed in book form. While it may lack traditional character development, it more than makes up for that in wit.)

The (as definitive as possible in 2,800 characters) list of what happened yesterday:


If you're at #alamw13 and you see someone not dressed for #sweatervestsunday, stop and ask them why they hate freedom.

thepinakes: I may not be at #alamw13, but I support #sweatervestsunday from a thousand miles down the coast. tmblr.co/ZYGeCvcn_k6g


If the ppl who constantly ask me if teens still read could see these #BFYA teens, they would finally shut up. #ALAMW13

Ouch! GRAVE MERCY is "most boring book I've read, and I've read all of JANE EYRE." #BFYA #ALAMW13

Caroline Kennedy:

"Reading is a gift we give each other, not a solitary pastime - Caroline Kennedy #alamw13

Caroline Kennedy: "Performing poetry can give kids a sense of empowerment."


Irreconcilable differences. Libraries count # of readers, publishers count # of copies sold. Applies to ebooks too! #alacouncil #alamw13

@wawoodworth: When is the Ranganathan hologram going to hit stage at #alacouncil?" Nonlibrarians who follow me - trust, this is hysterical.


Do two things with images. Make people laugh and pull their heart strings - @BenBizzle #ALAMW13

Top Tech Trends:

if you think about it everything on the internet is rented #alamwttt #alamw13


And finally, a helping of miscellaneous wit and wisdom:

"Backups are not preservation." "You do not keep things on your hard drive forever."--Sandy Card, Metadata IG #alamw13

All change begins with disruption #appreciativeinquiry #alamw13

Today's sessions involve accompanying progeny to sporting practice. And laundry. #AlwaysLaundry #Fakealamw13

The best experiences of my library career have been thanks to AILA. So glad I was able to attend the mtg today! #alamw13

So far my favorite part of #libraryfamilyfeud is Jonathan Evison's fake answers... a treadmill at the beach? Har! #alamw13

Book people are the best kind of people. Except for book people that give you food, those are even better book people. #alamw13

File under personal victories: no one caughte me on film this morning as I inflated the life sized giraffe by mouth. #alamw13

(We did catch you on Twitter, however, which means that your adventures with the life-sized giraffe will be preserved at the Library of Congress.)

The new mamas room at #alamw13 even has flowers! @ALA, you're my hero for yet another reason.

Any time I type "make"in my phone, it auto adds "it happen" - android groks my need to #mih at #alamw13

And finally, from Council I, the line that may well become Midwinter&’;s mantra:

"ALA should be as politically influential as the NRA." Word. #alamw13