It’s #sweatervestsunday, although that’s hardly the only event to make a Twittersplash yesterday. Also popular were #LibraryFamilyFeud, Top Tech Trends, Caroline Kennedy, the Digital Revolution of Public Relations session, Council I, #fakealamw13, and the Best Fiction for Young Adults Teen Feedback Session. (Seriously: Publish the #bfya feed in book form. While it may lack traditional character development, it more than makes up for that in wit.)
The (as definitive as possible in 2,800 characters) list of what happened yesterday:
Caroline Kennedy:
Top Tech Trends:
And finally, a helping of miscellaneous wit and wisdom:
(We did catch you on Twitter, however, which means that your adventures with the life-sized giraffe will be preserved at the Library of Congress.)
And finally, from Council I, the line that may well become Midwinter&’;s mantra: