ALA Council II reconsidered a resolution that it passed yesterday in support of whistleblower Edward Snowden (CD#39). The resolution was referred to the Committee on Legislation and the Intellectual Freedom Committee. ALA Parliamentarian Eli Mina stressed that referring the resolution does not rescind the motion approving it, but means Council has “pushed the pause button” on the resolution. Council also referred a resolution in support of whistleblower Bradley Manning (CD#38) to the same two committees.
After an extended debate on a resolution on prayer in ALA meetings (CD#44), the resolution passed, 70–64. The resolution states: “The American Library Association, as a secular institution in a country that is increasingly diverse religiously, refrains from having public prayers during its meetings. Moments of silence may be observed during meetings.”
In other actions, Council passed several motions recommended in committee reports. From the Committee on Organization: reducing the size of the Scholarships and Study Grants Committee from 11 to 7 (CD#27.1) and replacing a committee update form with a semi-annual report (CD#27.2). From the Policy Monitoring Committee: incorporating into the Policy Manual Council actions from 2011 and 2013, respectively, regarding protecting library user confidentiality (CD#17.1) and guidelines for preparing Council resolutions (CD#17.2). From the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, a few editorial changes in the bylaws—removing the reference to a printed directory and adding round tables into a reference about filling vacancies on an interim basis (CD#25).
A resolution on Library Service to the Community in a Disaster passed (CD#41 rev.), but a resolution on divestment of holdings in fossil fuel companies and libraries’ role in a peaceful transition to a fossil fuel economy failed (CD#42).