Midwinter Meeting News
News You Can Use sessions touch on policy, technology, and diversity
Learn with LITA: Three full-day workshops in Chicago
ALA News
ALA writes letter to attorney general on SOPA
Cartographic resources cataloging with RDA: An introduction
How to respond to a security incident in your library
Managing copyright in digital collections
FTRF announces 45th anniversary celebration in Salt Lake City
Digital media labs: From concept to funding to management
ALA Editions offers Apps for Librarians ecourse
Awards & Grants
Blaire Briody wins 2014 Richard J. Margolis Award
Libraries in the News
The Obama library may be a city-wide piece of public infrastructure
Businesses and cities will become largest adopters of ‘internet of things’
Tech Talk
Your tablet is screwing up your sleep patterns
13-year-old builds braille printer out of Legos
Free Android app (Dec. 23.): A Charlie Brown Christmas storybook
Kindle Unlimited under fire in France
Barnes & Noble buys out Pearson's share of Nook Media
Facebook's 2014 open-source highlights
Books & Reading
10 novels to pair with Christmas movies
J. K. Rowling shares new Draco Malfoy story on Pottermore
The mythology of The Lord of the Rings