Released this week as a digital supplement to American Libraries, a new study from ALA's Office for Research and Statistics, inspired a four-minute story on the "All Tech Considered" segment of National Public Radio's All Things Considered yesterday. Omar Gallaga discussed the study and said libraries are going through a period of mixed blessing as they "continue to expand their digital services while facing budget cuts and shortened operating hours." The story praised libraries as the best and often only place where many Americans have access to computers and assistance to help them find jobs, learn new skills, and take advantage of services that are available to them electronically.
Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and ALA, this year’s study is the fourth in a series, providing national and state-level data and benchmarks of technology resources. Authored by the Office for Research and Statistics and the Center for Library and Information Innovation, the study draws on data provided by thousands of rural, suburban, and urban libraries in every state; by state library agencies; and from interviews with library staff in select states.