It’s been an exciting couple of weeks here at Innovative and we have some important news to share about Sierra today. No fanfare or drum roll is available, but I am very pleased to announce that over 500 library systems have now installed or purchased the Sierra library services platform.
A couple of years ago Library Journal called the adoption of Sierra “unprecedented” and things really haven’t slowed down since. Sierra provides libraries with the robust functionality they need to meet user needs today and the open data platform that will allow them to adapt to changing user needs for years to come.
The number of libraries migrating from our previous-generation Millennium platform has steadily increased over the last year. In addition, we’re seeing a number of new academic and public libraries join the Innovative community in Europe, Asia, North America and the Middle East.
Visitors to the Innovative booth at ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia and PLA in Indianapolis saw some of the exciting new Sierra developments in store for this year, including the roll-out of a number of important APIs and new apps for both library users and library staff. We’ll have all our new developments on display at the annual Innovative Users Group (IUG) meeting in May and at the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas.
Thanks to all our customers, old and new, who’ve chosen Sierra so far and we’re looking forward to welcoming many more of you to the Sierra family soon. We’ll be working collaboratively with all of you to take full advantage of Sierra’s open platform and enable you to better meet the needs of your users and improve the efficiency of your staff for years to come. It should be an exciting ride!