The stampede for swag may have died down, but Day 4 of #ala2013 still had tweeps and attendees booming with excitement. Award receptions, Conversations Starters, speaker sessions, and competitive fun were the trending topics in the biblio-twitterverse. Twenty tweets? Twenty? Really? In our defense, that’s double the awesome! Here are your top tweets for Monday:
The morning started out well for some . . .
While others had a more, well, typical Monday:
Then there are the problems only #ala2013 attendees would have:
Alice Walker’s Auditorium Speaker Session inspired:
Attendees enjoyed the Michael L. Printz Program and Reception:
Battledecks trended so hard it got its own hashtag . . .
. . . and your #ala2013 victor emerged:
Attendees have begun packing up and leaving the Disneyworld of Libraryland . . .
This is also our problem when narrowing down top tweets!
You can blame us for being indecisive, but we can blame you all for being too awesome!
Bonus tweet—library pun: