Now that Friday is over, many conference attendees are now settled in for #alaac16, but it’s only just beginning!
Amazing speakers and sessions with memorable quotes:
Congrats to @viet_t_nguyen, who said in his speech: "At a young age I was already aware of the power of the library." #ALA_Carnegie #alaac16
— RUSA (ALA) (@ala_rusa) June 26, 2016
"I always thought of the library as my true home." -author and Carnegie Medal winner Viet Thahn Nguyen #alaac16
— American Libraries (@amlibraries) June 26, 2016
"Librarians are super cool…you guys are the keepers to portals to other worlds…that's a super power" @MayasIdeasShop #alaac16
— LibrarianChic (@LibrarianChic36) June 26, 2016
The amazing @MargaretAtwood using air quotes around "award-winning author" in ref to herself is the funniest thing I've seen at #alaac16
— JLJ (@jameslucasjones) June 25, 2016
"As librarians you've been teaching people to get in trouble. Good trouble. Necessary trouble. Keep doing that." -Rep. John Lewis. #alaac16
— Paula Nespeca Deal (@pdeal) June 25, 2016
Some mid-Annual reflections:
I love that #alaac16 has been trending all day. Books, Authors, and Librarians. What could be better? 😊 pic.twitter.com/AvmwEtwf6c
— Stacey O'Neale 🤓 (@StaceyONeale) June 26, 2016
Day 2 free conference swag!#alaac16 glad I brought XL suitcase👍 pic.twitter.com/sZ6kxvfuIU
— librarybon (she/her/hers ) (@librarybon) June 26, 2016
Free books, free ice cream, and fabulous librarians, how can you not love ALA?! #alaac16
— Alexandra Diaz (@alexandratdiaz) June 26, 2016
What’s happening with #alaleftbehind?
40% of #alaleftbehind #saturdaylibrarian are most definitely NOT raiding their coworker's desks for the "good" pens
— Fake Library Statistics (@FakeLibStats) June 25, 2016