SRRT Turns Forty

July 15, 2009

ALA's Social Responsibilities Round Table celebrated its 40th anniversary July 13 at the Alternative Media Reception co-organized with the Alternative Press Center. The party, held at Hyde Park's funky Experimental Station, included a Mediterranean food buffet, impromptu speeches, jazz from the three-piece combo Brian Sandstrom and Friends, three kinds of vegan cake, and some far … Continue reading SRRT Turns Forty

ALA Council Supports Universal Healthcare

July 15, 2009

With healthcare costs eating up chunks of shrinking library budgets across the country, the ALA Council during its last meeting in Chicago  overwhelmingly passed a resolution supporting affordable, universal healthcare, including the option of a single-payer healthcare program. This is essentially a reaffirmation of a resolution adopted by ALA in June 2006. ALA policy states … Continue reading ALA Council Supports Universal Healthcare

Legislative Day Will Become Advocacy Day for D.C. Annual 2010

July 15, 2009

At the final session of the ALA Council today, Committee on Legislation member Bernard Margolis reported that due to the location of Annual Conference 2010 in Washington, D. C., National Library Legislative Day, held annually in May, will become Library Advocacy Day instead. The event is being planned for June 28 during the conference. The switch … Continue reading Legislative Day Will Become Advocacy Day for D.C. Annual 2010

The Story Behind The Soloist

July 15, 2009

Steve Lopez, Los Angeles Times columnist and author of The Soloist, told the Closing Session crowd how he met Nathaniel Anthony Ayers, and how their relationship grew and the story developed into the book. “The deal with writing a column is, it’s like having a pet monster that’s always hungry,” Lopez said. “You have to … Continue reading The Story Behind The Soloist

Heard and Overheard at Annual

July 15, 2009

As my final bit of Annual coverage (though with other AL staffers also blogging, a few more stories may be forthcoming), I’d like to share my now-traditional review of relevant—and wholly irrelevant—quotes. “We have everything Strom Thurmond ever owned, including his pajamas.” – Emily Gore, Clemson University Libraries head of digital initiatives, discussing the library’s … Continue reading Heard and Overheard at Annual

From China to Chicago

July 15, 2009

A delegation of directors of provincial-level libraries in China attended the ALA Annual Conference after spending 10 days at a training program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Mortenson Center. They’re taking part in a continuing professional education program covering library management, public services, and digital library development. Following the conference they’ll be traveling … Continue reading From China to Chicago

ALA Council Supports Universal Healthcare

July 15, 2009

With healthcare costs eating up chunks of shrinking library budgets across the country, the ALA Council during its last meeting in Chicago  overwhelmingly passed a resolution supporting affordable, universal healthcare, including the option of a single-payer healthcare program. This is essentially a reaffirmation of a resolution adopted by ALA in June 2006. ALA policy states … Continue reading ALA Council Supports Universal Healthcare