Midwinter Tuesday: Treasurer Urges New Business Development

January 27, 2009

ALA is a pretty big organization, with a $58-million annual budget, ALA Treasurer Rod Hersberger said at the second Midwinter session of the ALA Council. He's concerned about ALA's "mature businesses" that are not yielding annual revenue growth and the need to develop new businesses. Echoing what he said at the Planning and Budget Assembly, Hersberger talked about … Continue reading Midwinter Tuesday: Treasurer Urges New Business Development

Midwinter Sunday: Planning and Budgeting for the Unknown

January 25, 2009

During today’s Planning and Budget Assembly, ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels and President-elect Camila Alire fielded questions from members. One ALAer representing ACRL brought up an issue that has been much commented on in Inside Scoop: What’s the future of print journals? And she wanted to know what ALA was doing about the issue of … Continue reading Midwinter Sunday: Planning and Budgeting for the Unknown

Midwinter Sunday: Top Tech Trends

January 25, 2009

LITA's traditional Top Tech Trends discussion played to a standing-room-only crowd this morning, although the event was briefly delayed by a fire alarm in the hotel. Participants and attendees ignored the alarm, which proved to be nothing, and focused on four topics: the management of open-source software, the growth of geolocational technologies, linked data, and … Continue reading Midwinter Sunday: Top Tech Trends

Midwinter Sunday: Authors Take the Stage

January 25, 2009

Emceed by Tina Jordan of HarperCollins, this morning's breakfast program offering from the Association of American Publishers' Trade Libraries Committee turned out to be a surprise treat amidst the business meetings. Eight authors shared stories about their writing lives, their latest books, and their love of libraries: Eli Gottlieb, Now You See Him (Harper Perennial); Brian … Continue reading Midwinter Sunday: Authors Take the Stage

2009 ALA Presidential Candidates Forum

January 25, 2009

2009 ALA Presidential Candidates Kenton Oliver and Roberta Stevens respond to member questions at the Presidential Candidates Forum held January 24, 2009, at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Denver. ALA Past-President Loriene Roy moderated the forum. Questions asked (with time of question in parentheses) were: What might your presidential theme be? (at 0:15) How soon … Continue reading 2009 ALA Presidential Candidates Forum

Midwinter Saturday: Presidential Candidates Forum

January 24, 2009

The first of my big technical challenges of Midwinter, filming the ALA Presidential Candidates Forum and editing and posting the video, is nearly complete, except for several hours of computing time to make the necessary file conversions and transfers, which will mostly happen overnight while I'm asleep. I'm calling this one mostly successful. Leonard Kniffel … Continue reading Midwinter Saturday: Presidential Candidates Forum

Midwinter Saturday: Advocating in a Tough Economy

January 24, 2009

  Washington Update: from left, Ken Gordon, Stephanie Vance, Ken Wiggin, Emily Sheketoff   The ALA Washington Office Update this morning offered Midwinter Meeting goers an opportunity to connect in person with Washington Office staffers. Lynne Bradley, director of the Office of Government Relations noted that on the Hill, traditional library issues are still on … Continue reading Midwinter Saturday: Advocating in a Tough Economy