Midwinter Friday: Orientation

January 23, 2009

After an early (6am) flight, my morning has been spent getting oriented. This is my first Midwinter and things seem manageable, although they may look different once the full mass of people gets here and the events get into swing. ALA is sharing the convention center with the International Sportsman’s Exhibition. No word yet on … Continue reading Midwinter Friday: Orientation

More Midwinter Miscellany

January 22, 2009

American Libraries Associate Editor Greg Landgraf and I will be blogging the daylights out of the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Denver, beginning tomorrow, January 23. In addition, Senior Editor George Eberhart will be producing next week's issue of American Libraries Direct during the conference, to bring you a roundup next Wednesday of the latest happenings … Continue reading More Midwinter Miscellany

Midwinter Miscellany

January 22, 2009

With the start of Midwinter imminent, I've got a few related announcements and hopefully amusing oddments to share: Watch this blog for our Midwinter coverage. American Libraries Editor in Chief Leonard Kniffel and I will both be blogging from Denver. Also, I'll be filming the ALA Presidential Candidates Forum on Saturday and posting the entire … Continue reading Midwinter Miscellany

Midwinter Event Planner Blues

January 12, 2009

In what has become something of a tradition, the Midwinter Event Planner has been opened… and widely panned on the ALA Council email list and several library blogs (What I Learned Today… and librarian.net, as two examples). I spoke to ALA Senior Associate Executive Director of Member Programs and Services Mary Ghikas yesterday about the … Continue reading Midwinter Event Planner Blues

Midwinter Dining Guide

January 8, 2009

A quick alert: I've just posted Sherry Spitsnaugle's excellent Denver Dining Guide from AL's January-February issue on the Midwinter Wiki. It's one of four dining guides there, including one repurposed from Rocky Mountain SLA. Attendees, enjoy!

I Love My Librarian Award Ceremony Video

December 22, 2008

While later than we’d hoped (there were difficulties both in getting the raw footage and in getting the necessary approvals), we finally have video from the I Love My Librarian Award ceremony, held December 9 in New York City. Enjoy!