
Renewing Our Mission in New Orleans

May 16, 2011

Librarians, library support staff, vendors, and guests will once again bring their economic and muscle power to assist New Orleans’ public libraries, schools, and community rebuilding projects during the American Library Association’s 135th Annual Conference, June 23–28, taking place at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, area hotels, and other venues. ALA held the first … Continue reading Renewing Our Mission in New Orleans


Keeping Library Digitization Legal

May 2, 2011

The ability to digitize hard copies, the proliferation of born-digital content, and increased access to online distribution hold the promise of improved access to library materials. Despite these advances, the legal issues surrounding collections increasingly hinder libraries and archives in providing this access. This hurdle can be overcome by a mixture of good policy, careful … Continue reading Keeping Library Digitization Legal

Born Here, Died Here

April 26, 2011

On July 29, 1900, Mary Ayres died of consumption in Cincinnati, Ohio. An Irish immigrant who labored as a cook, Mary was 51 years old and a widow. On her official death record, no home address is given. Presumably when the disease set in, she was removed to the city infirmary. We do not know … Continue reading Born Here, Died Here


The Evolving Library: Supporting New Teaching, Learning Styles

April 11, 2011

Over the last decade, a fundamental shift has occurred in how students perceive and utilize libraries. No longer seen as traditional book warehouses, libraries are now collaborative environments where individuals and groups converge to study, socialize, and gain access to resources. The library was once a place to find and check out books. But today, … Continue reading The Evolving Library: Supporting New Teaching, Learning Styles


Booking Passage to a New Home

April 8, 2011

Individual books can be picked up and moved at will. It’s easy to walk a book out to the porch swing, and library books are constantly rotating out and back into the collection. But when you contemplate moving an entire collection of thousands of books, manuals, audiovisual materials, and furnishings, you need to figure out … Continue reading Booking Passage to a New Home


Library Advocacy: One Message, One Voice

April 4, 2011

Our advocacy efforts must convince officials that libraries are essential and critical community services. Otherwise, like other services perceived as worthwhile, library budgets will suffer greater cuts than services seen as critical. One of ALA’s responses to the 1990s recession was to organize a “Rally for America’s Libraries / Caravan on Wheels,” that traveled from … Continue reading Library Advocacy: One Message, One Voice


One Book for Every Young Child

March 30, 2011

In this struggling economy, the local library remains the community bedrock, even as libraries report that use of service is up while their budgets are shrinking. As a librarian in Pennsylvania, I’m proud to say that we are finding creative ways to do more with less. The “One Book, Every Young Child” program is foremost … Continue reading One Book for Every Young Child


Library Design Showcase 2011

March 23, 2011

While it’s the contents of the library, and the activities that take place there, that support a community in times good and bad, the physical structure plays an important role in how—and how well—the library can fulfill its mission. The 2011 Library Design Showcase highlights the best in new and renovated library buildings, divided into … Continue reading Library Design Showcase 2011

Miami-Dade Partnerships Take Root

March 18, 2011

At a time when resources are shrinking, funding is scarce, and businesses are folding, finding partners to help realize goals is not just an interesting concept but a necessity. To provide support services to formerly homeless individuals and families, many with special needs, the Miami-Dade Public Library System joined forces with the county’s Homeless Trust … Continue reading Miami-Dade Partnerships Take Root