
Wait! You Can’t Retire Without Sharing That with Us

October 26, 2010

As libraries face the departure of staff with well-honed reference skills, years of experience in the community, and deep knowledge of the collection and traditional resources, how can we identify and retain their departing expertise—the gold in the library’s intellectual vault? How can we ensure that newly minted employees with e-knowledge skills have access to … Continue reading Wait! You Can’t Retire Without Sharing That with Us


Gaming 2.0

October 19, 2010

The most exciting things have happened at the Houston Public Library’s Central Library since it reopened in May of 2008 after a two-year renovation: families are playing together and enjoying each other’s company; brothers, sisters, strangers, and friends are playing and learning together. Teen boys who now think the library is the best place to … Continue reading Gaming 2.0

Libraries Now More Than Ever

October 17, 2010

The message of the American Library Association can best be summarized in one word, a word we all understand, a word that holds us together as librarians. That word is “Read.” “Why do we need libraries when all the information in the world is on the internet?” It’s a tiresome question that American librarians are … Continue reading Libraries Now More Than Ever

Librarians Laud National Book Festival

September 28, 2010

There were many librarians among the 150,000 people who gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., for the 10th Annual National Book Festival, September 25. Reporting for American Libraries, Rocco Staino of the New York Library Association talked with some of them about the festival in the Pavilion of the States: For Adele Eskin, middle … Continue reading Librarians Laud National Book Festival

Fit Libraries Are Future-Proof

September 21, 2010

The year 2009 marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, as well as the 150th anniversary of the publication of his most famous book, The Origin of Species. Darwin’s work is memorable for its theories about the survival of the fittest, and by fittest he meant those species best able to adapt … Continue reading Fit Libraries Are Future-Proof


Twenty Years of Assistive Technologies

September 14, 2010

On July 26, 2010, thousands of people applauded the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which mandated that disabled individuals be accorded the same rights as persons without disabilities. The celebration stimulated reflection and debate on the effectiveness of the law. No consensus about success has been reached, but … Continue reading Twenty Years of Assistive Technologies

Ellen Tise on International Relations, Energizing the Profession, and Access to Knowledge

September 10, 2010

South African librarian Ellen Tise is president of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2009–2011. American Libraries caught up with her during the 76th IFLA World Library and Information Congress, August 10–15, in Gothenburg, Sweden, where she talked about international relations, energizing the profession, and open access to knowledge. American Libraries: How was … Continue reading Ellen Tise on International Relations, Energizing the Profession, and Access to Knowledge

Mexican Library Association President Jesus Lau on International Engagement

September 3, 2010

A tireless crusader for international cooperation and exchange, Jesus Lau is currently serving on the Governing Board of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. At IFLA’s August conference in Gothenburg, Sweden, he talked with American Libraries about the value of his international activites, especially his ongoing involvement with the American Library Association. Lau … Continue reading Mexican Library Association President Jesus Lau on International Engagement

ALA Award winners 2010

Dynamic Doers

August 27, 2010

Welcome to a showcase of the dynamic doers—a snapshot of those who have dedicated themselves to the profession, who have gone above and beyond, and whose contributions have been so significant and so varied. These individuals and institutions have been recognized by their colleagues and friends for jobs well done. From Joseph W. Lippincott recipient Thomas C. … Continue reading Dynamic Doers


Winning Grants: A Game Planse

August 24, 2010

Grant seeking is a marketing process. Simply stated, you define your library’s need and sell it to one who can fund your project. Librarians are their own best grant-proposal writers. No outsider can write a proposal as effectively as a “library insider” who fully understands the institution’s mission and priorities as well as the needs … Continue reading Winning Grants: A Game Planse


Charles Ogletree on Race, Reading, and the Presumption of Guilt

August 20, 2010

Charles Ogletree, Harvard Law School professor and founder of Harvard Law’s Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, serves as one of several celebrity honorary co-chairs of the American Library Association’s Spectrum Presidential Initiative, an effort to raise $1 million in scholarships for minority students pursuing a master’s degreee in library and information science. … Continue reading Charles Ogletree on Race, Reading, and the Presumption of Guilt