
Coaching in the Library

February 18, 2010

The greatest challenge to library organizations is to continuously adapt in an ever-changing, ever-more-complex environment. Library leaders need to direct the continuous redevelopment of libraries. The ability to tackle this and other institutional challenges effectively is fundamental to the success of leaders and the survival of libraries. One way to achieve this is through the … Continue reading Coaching in the Library

A History of Women’s History Month

February 10, 2010

The roots of National Women's History Month go back to “Women’s History Week,” first celebrated in Sonoma County, California, in 1978. This public celebration was scheduled around March 8, International Women’s Day, long celebrated in socialist countries, but not in the U.S. despite the fact that the first International Women’s Day was held in the … Continue reading A History of Women’s History Month

To Help You Plan

February 10, 2010

Use these resources to explore women’s history, answer reference questions, get program and resource-guide ideas, or link them to your website’s National Women’s History Month page. has a plethora of historical information organized by topic as well as a daily calendar of women’s history events, biographies, and current information through a blog and forum. … Continue reading To Help You Plan

Women's History Month

(At Least) 21 Programming Ideas for Women’s History Month

February 10, 2010

Promote healthy conversation. In every community there is someone (a physician, nurse, pharmacist, physical therapist, etc) who can address women’s health issues. Plymouth (Mich.) District Library worked with the speaker’s bureau of the local hospital to present an exercise and nutrition program. Ask a local physician. That’s what the Bartholomew County (Ind.) Public Library did … Continue reading (At Least) 21 Programming Ideas for Women’s History Month

Partnership Possibilities

February 10, 2010

Listed below are organizations experienced in programming for, or of interest to, women. Use their websites to get program ideas as well as possible programming partners. For the 2010 National Women’s History Month theme, “Writing Women Back into History,” consider focusing on the history and contributions of women’s organizations in your community or campus. Don’t … Continue reading Partnership Possibilities


10 Technology Ideas Your Library Can Implement Next Week

February 9, 2010

New social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter enable librarians to converse, communicate, and collaborate with patrons as never before, because they are increasingly a part of people’s everyday lives. A brochure that describes your library with a few pictures is great, but a video tour that people can watch on your website or … Continue reading 10 Technology Ideas Your Library Can Implement Next Week

10 Reasons Why the Internet Is No Substitute for a Library

January 20, 2010

Read the updated version of this article. Reading, said the great English essayist Matthew Arnold, “is culture.” Given the condition of reading test scores among school children nationwide, it isn’t surprising to find both our nation and our culture in trouble. Further, the rush to internetize all schools, particularly K–12, adds to our downward spiral. … Continue reading 10 Reasons Why the Internet Is No Substitute for a Library


Embracing Change for Continuous Improvement

January 13, 2010

Progress implies change. Not all change is progress, but all progress requires change. Change can be planned or unplanned. Libraries have experienced some serious unplanned changes in the recent past; they have been buffeted by changes in technology and scholarly communication and the downturn in the economy. Even so, most libraries have adapted wonderfully to … Continue reading Embracing Change for Continuous Improvement

Author Wesley Adamczyk Documents World War II Soviet Deportation of Poles to Siberia

January 4, 2010

In 1940, author Wesley Adamczyk was deported at age 7 from his native Poland to Siberia with his family. He was among more than a million poles who were exiled, imprisoned, or enslaved at hard labor. His father was murdered by the soviets in the Katyn Massacre; his mother died of disease and starvation while … Continue reading Author Wesley Adamczyk Documents World War II Soviet Deportation of Poles to Siberia

Newsmaker: Mohammad Abbas

December 31, 2009

American Libraries Editor in Chief Leonard Kniffel interviewed Mohammad Abbas, head of the new Library Department of the Iraqi Coucil of Representatives (ICOR, the nation's parliament in Baghdad) August 24 during the World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions in Milan, Italy, and by e-mail in the days following. American … Continue reading Newsmaker: Mohammad Abbas