The Road to New Librarianship

May 31, 2011

The word atlas generally conjures up a road trip, and R. David Lankes traveled to “29 locations on three continents” to put together The Atlas of New Librarianship. But his atlas is more about data than maps—data collected from a variety of sources and providing the basis for “new librarianship,” by which he means “the … Continue reading The Road to New Librarianship

Patriot Act Renewal Renews Reformers’ Determination

May 31, 2011

President Barack Obama signed into law the evening of May 26 a four-year renewal of the Patriot Act that included none of the reader-privacy and Fourth Amendment protections sought by freedom-to-read groups such as the American Library Association, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE). Obama authorized … Continue reading Patriot Act Renewal Renews Reformers’ Determination

A Compendium of Communication

May 27, 2011

The need to transmit and process information efficiently has given rise to technologies from talking drums to alphabets, from Charles Babbage’s difference engine to Vannevar Bush’s differential analyzer, from the telegraph to the internet. In The Information, James Gleick shows how many of the information-related concepts that we now take for granted evolved. This is … Continue reading A Compendium of Communication

A Facility Forever Young

May 27, 2011

What do young people want? When it comes to library space, they’re inclined to seek sophisticated yet comfortable areas. In a focus group that gave teens the opportunity to advise librarians and architects charged with designing the new Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Public Library, their wishes were simple: Skip the clashes of color that might be … Continue reading A Facility Forever Young

Keith Michael Fiels

The Digital Revolution and the Transformation of Libraries

May 25, 2011

Two major topics dominated discussions during the ALA Executive Board Spring Meeting April 22–24 at the Association’s Chicago headquarters. ALA’s new 2015 strategic plan now includes a Transforming Libraries goal that calls for the Association to “provide leadership in the transformation of libraries and library services in a dynamic and increasingly global digital library environment.” … Continue reading The Digital Revolution and the Transformation of Libraries

Google Ends Newspaper Digitization Project

May 24, 2011

Google emailed its newspaper partners May 19 to inform them that it would be discontinuing its effort to digitize the world’s newspaper archives and make them available online, the Search Engine Land blog reported. The project, which was started in 2008, has digitized material from about 2,000 newspapers. Existing content, about 60 million pages worth, … Continue reading Google Ends Newspaper Digitization Project

We Never Close

May 19, 2011

Imagine that your library building is open 24/7 with no overnight staff or security gates. What if trusting patrons to abide by the honor system actually worked? That’s the reality at Marlboro (Vt.) College's Rice-Aron Library, where an open-door policy has been in effect for decades. To understand this library, you must consider the campus … Continue reading We Never Close

LAUSD Doubts that Seasoned Teacher-Librarians Can Teach

May 18, 2011

“There’s no better use of limited funds than paying attorneys to harass educators who’ve devoted their lives to helping our children,” Bennett Tramer of Santa Monica, California, said in a letter published May 17 in the Los Angeles Times. A tongue-in-cheek response to the May 13 Hector Tobar column, “The Disgraceful Interrogation of L.A. School … Continue reading LAUSD Doubts that Seasoned Teacher-Librarians Can Teach

Wrapping Up a Busy Year

May 18, 2011

For my last message as ALA president, I’d like to update members and others on the initiatives that were kicked off at the Inaugural Banquet last June and offer a brief comment on recent events that affect the future of libraries. With “Our Authors, Our Advocates: Authors Speak Out For Libraries,” we tapped into a … Continue reading Wrapping Up a Busy Year

Children’s Services Champion Virginia Mathews Dies

May 11, 2011

Virginia Mathews, 86, renowned advocate for family and early-childhood literacy and outreach programs, consultant, and author who was respected in the publishing and library worlds, died May 7. Instrumental in the success of both the 1979 and 1991 White House Conference on Library and Information Services (WHCLIS), Mathews navigated a career that bridged the worlds … Continue reading Children’s Services Champion Virginia Mathews Dies

Forging a Resilient Revitalization

May 11, 2011

In the six years since Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans has begun the process of rebuilding, slowly yet persistently returning to life.  The city's public libraries are no exception: Libraries in New Orleans served as one of the beacons of hope, but in the wake of Katrina many libraries were severely damaged and their collections ruined. … Continue reading Forging a Resilient Revitalization