Library Advocates Head for the Hill

May 11, 2011

Federal budget threats targeted at library programs dominated the discussions May 9 during the briefing day preceding this year’s National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) held by the American Library Association’s Washington Office, but the 361 NLLD participants who came to Washington, D.C., were not deterred by the uncertainty in the Capitol. “I think it makes … Continue reading Library Advocates Head for the Hill

National Library Week 2011: Telling Their Own Stories

May 2, 2011

National Library Week (NLW) 2011 was observed April 10–16, with the theme, “Create your own story @ your library.” Libraries nationwide hosted programs in honor of the week that included a focus on bookmobiles, children, wise use of money, reading, library workers, bookmobiles, teens, and preservation. First sponsored in 1958, NLW is a national observance sponsored … Continue reading National Library Week 2011: Telling Their Own Stories


My Professional Heroes

April 27, 2011

When I hear the term “movers and shakers,” I think of Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Sarah Palin, and Hillary Clinton. These are the innovators, power brokers, and pioneers that move us to places where we haven’t been and don’t necessarily want to go. They are the catalysts who wake us from our slumbers and give … Continue reading My Professional Heroes

Too Much Information?

April 22, 2011

I have many friends who use the mobile location-based networking site Foursquare to broadcast exactly where they are at various points during their day using the GPS on their phone. In my Twitter feed, I see posts stating that one friend is at a conference, another is out to lunch, and another is at the … Continue reading Too Much Information?

Joseph Janes

A Numbers Game

April 20, 2011

26 is a peculiar number. Mathematically speaking, it’s not that interesting; the Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers tells us it’s the sum of the digits of its cube (26^3 = 17576). Yawn. Wikipedia offers the atomic number of iron, the number of Swiss cantons or Oscars won by Walt Disney, or, alarmingly, the … Continue reading A Numbers Game

Contingency Plans for Government Shutdown Made by Library of Congress, Others [UPDATED]

April 6, 2011

The unions representing Library of Congress workers signed a Memorandum of Understanding with LC April 5 regarding employees’ furlough status in the event that a Continuing Resolution to go on appropriating FY2011 funding for the federal government is not enacted by midnight, April 8. The Library of Congress Professional Guild emailed its members that LC … Continue reading Contingency Plans for Government Shutdown Made by Library of Congress, Others [UPDATED]

Libraries Scan Bright Digital Horizon despite Google’s Court Defeat

March 29, 2011

“Libraries are not leaving the future of digital books to Google,” the HathiTrust partnership said in a prepared statement March 23. The statement came the day after U.S. Appeals Court Judge Denny Chin rejected (PDF file) the Google Books Settlement following some seven years of litigation and out-of-court talks with the Authors Guild and the … Continue reading Libraries Scan Bright Digital Horizon despite Google’s Court Defeat

Wallander’s Last Stand

March 22, 2011

Readers whose knowledge of Scandinavian crime fiction goes beyond Stieg Larsson know that it was Henning Mankell who jump-started what has developed into a nearly 20-year golden age. The very fact that Sweden could foster a new spin on the Chandlerian hard-boiled novel seemed puzzling initially. How could there be crime novels in such a … Continue reading Wallander’s Last Stand

Let’s Not Borrow Trouble

March 22, 2011

At my library, I’m in charge of collection development for our largest academic division. Sometimes I find the task daunting as I struggle to find a balance between buying things that will likely get used today and anticipating what might be needed in the future. The choices I make will influence the long-term health of … Continue reading Let’s Not Borrow Trouble