
My Professional Heroes

April 27, 2011

When I hear the term “movers and shakers,” I think of Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Sarah Palin, and Hillary Clinton. These are the innovators, power brokers, and pioneers that move us to places where we haven’t been and don’t necessarily want to go. They are the catalysts who wake us from our slumbers and give … Continue reading My Professional Heroes

Contingency Plans for Government Shutdown Made by Library of Congress, Others [UPDATED]

April 6, 2011

The unions representing Library of Congress workers signed a Memorandum of Understanding with LC April 5 regarding employees’ furlough status in the event that a Continuing Resolution to go on appropriating FY2011 funding for the federal government is not enacted by midnight, April 8. The Library of Congress Professional Guild emailed its members that LC … Continue reading Contingency Plans for Government Shutdown Made by Library of Congress, Others [UPDATED]


Library Advocacy: One Message, One Voice

April 4, 2011

Our advocacy efforts must convince officials that libraries are essential and critical community services. Otherwise, like other services perceived as worthwhile, library budgets will suffer greater cuts than services seen as critical. One of ALA’s responses to the 1990s recession was to organize a “Rally for America’s Libraries / Caravan on Wheels,” that traveled from … Continue reading Library Advocacy: One Message, One Voice

DIY Programming

March 22, 2011

Because many libraries are staff-strapped as well as cash-strapped, do-it-yourself programming is a growing trend. Amanda Moss Struckmeyer and Svetha Hetzler base their book, DIY Programming and Book Displays: How to Stretch Your Programming without Stretching Your Budget and Staff , on ideas they came up with at Middleton (Wis.) Public Library. They set up and … Continue reading DIY Programming

Transforming Libraries

March 21, 2011

A key goal of the 2011–2015 ALA strategic plan is to provide leadership in the transformation of libraries and library services for today’s dynamic and increasingly global digital information environment. Virtually every media interview I’ve had during the past seven months has been an occasion to illustrate how libraries, the people who work in them, … Continue reading Transforming Libraries

Miami-Dade Partnerships Take Root

March 18, 2011

At a time when resources are shrinking, funding is scarce, and businesses are folding, finding partners to help realize goals is not just an interesting concept but a necessity. To provide support services to formerly homeless individuals and families, many with special needs, the Miami-Dade Public Library System joined forces with the county’s Homeless Trust … Continue reading Miami-Dade Partnerships Take Root

Two Colorado Libraries Break New E-book Ground

March 16, 2011

Officials of two Colorado libraries announced March 16 that they will be adding to their catalogs e-books that are published by members of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA). The Red Rocks Community College Library and Douglas County Library also revealed that by June they plan to launch click-through links so interested patrons can purchase … Continue reading Two Colorado Libraries Break New E-book Ground

ALA Sends Condolences to Japan Library Association

March 14, 2011

ALA President Roberta Stevens and Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels sent a letter to the Japan Library Association offering ALA’s condolences and support in the aftermath of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Addressed to President Noboru Shiomi and Executive Director Kaname Matsuoka, the letter read: “We were deeply distressed to hear the news today … Continue reading ALA Sends Condolences to Japan Library Association

Madison’s Mayor Joins Librarians’ Labor-Rights Rally

March 8, 2011

Mayor Dave Cieslewicz joined Wisconsin’s librarians March 6 as they again assembled to march to the State Capitol in opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s Budget Repair Bill (PDF file), whose passage would dramatically curtail collective bargaining rights for public-sector employees. “I was proud to join librarians to march to the Capitol and fight Scott Walker’s … Continue reading Madison’s Mayor Joins Librarians’ Labor-Rights Rally

I’m Not Your Scapegoat

March 7, 2011

I’ll admit it: I’ve always thought unions were a little passé. I just couldn’t shake the image of a typical union dude as a hard-bitten, grimy-fingered steelworker swigging black coffee spiked with gin. So despite the fact that as a public librarian I’m a dues-paying member myself, I’ve never mustered the enthusiasm to attend a … Continue reading I’m Not Your Scapegoat