Every day, libraries transform lives, communities, and the work we do—and the ALA Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits bring together thousands of library professionals to engage, network, and deepen our understanding of what it means to be a part of a dynamic profession. Current issues to be covered in discussion groups, “News You Can Use,” and other wide-ranging sessions will include trend watching; diversity and inclusion; digital content and ebooks; innovation; books and authors; leadership; public awareness and library advocacy; community engagement; policy news, including ALA Washington Office updates; and pertinent new research and data.
Attendees at Midwinter engage in the face-to-face committee work that moves projects forward and builds on virtual collaboration, as well as quality conversations with exhibitors on a less crowded exhibit floor. They will return to their libraries and other institutions with the renewed sense of energy generated by in-person events, as well as new tools and ideas for successful innovation and improvements.
Boston is always an exciting host city, with its variety of restaurants (all types of cuisine at a wide range of price points), museums, galleries, shopping, concerts, theaters and shows, and other cultural options that offer plenty of indoor activity. For those wanting to enjoy outdoor activities, options include winter walking tours or ice skating on Frog Pond.
- ERT/Booklist Author Forum, RUSA Book and Media Awards Ceremony and Reception—including for the first time at Midwinter the announcements of the Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction—and Youth Media Awards announcements for book awards, including Newbery, Caldecott, Printz, Coretta Scott King, and more.
- 450+ exhibitors highlighting new and favorite titles, emerging technologies, and new products and services, with the popular opening reception on Friday evening. Also in the exhibits: hundreds of authors, events on live stages, signings, ARCs, and more.
- Thought leaders and bestselling authors speaking at the Auditorium Speakers Series, ALA President’s Program, Arthur Curley Memorial Lecture, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observance and Sunrise Celebration, and more.
- “News You Can Use” sessions that focus on the latest updates from experts based on new research, surveys, reports, legislation and regulation, projects, beta trials, focus groups, and other data.
- ALA Masters and Ignite Sessions, which feature your colleagues’ innovations. Share with peers also at Unconference, Library Camp, Networking Uncommons, and Kitchen-Table Conversations.
- ALA JobLIST Placement Center connecting job seekers and employers, with free career counseling.
- New in 2016! “Deep Dive” half-day education sessions for active, participatory learning in a workshop-style setting, Saturday–Monday. CEUs will be available, with registration for each session capped at 25. Advance registration (separate from Midwinter registration) will be required.
For the developing list of speakers and events, and to find out about the in-depth professional development opportunities offered by Midwinter Institutes and the new Deep Dives, visit alamidwinter.org and follow the hashtag #alamw16.
Registration and housing for the ALA Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits is open at noon Central time, October 1, at alamidwinter.org.