Free Resources for Job Seekers

U.S. Department of Labor provides online training, job search tools, and more

December 8, 2021

Career OneStop computer

Did you know the US Department of Labor offers free, easy-to-use online tools and information for people searching for jobs or planning to change their careers? The CareerOneStop suite of websites is a great resource for libraries to offer visitors looking for employment help.

Resources for people who’ve lost their job

The Employment Recovery website is a one-stop shop for job seekers who’ve been laid off. Sudden job loss, especially during the current pandemic and changing job market, can easily overwhelm anyone. Offering specific resources to meet immediate needs can help job seekers regain a sense of control.

  • Employment Recovery’s Unemployment and Other Benefits page helps users quickly connect with their state unemployment system, learn how to file, and identify other benefits and public assistance for which they may be eligible.
  • Find a Job Now offers a job search tool, résumé and interview tips, and inspiration for networking.
  • Who’s Hiring provides updated, easy-to-understand information about where jobs are during the current economic recovery, based on US Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly reports.
  • Work from Home includes a “Find a Remote Job” tool that lets people search employment postings with virtual or work-from-home opportunities.

Resources for people who want to change careers

With the job market in flux more than at any time in recent history, libraries may see an increase in visitors looking for information about changing or restructuring their careers. CareerOneStop offers a variety of resources to help:

  • The My Skills My Future page allows users to explore career options based on work experience.
  • Skills Matcher lets users rate their skill and knowledge levels in 40 key workplace areas, then it provides a list of careers that match those ratings.
  • CareerOneStop’s Video Library includes more than 500 90-second career videos with details about typical tasks, education requirements, work settings, employment trends, and more.

Training on how to use the websites

Library staff will find guidance for using CareerOneStop tools and resources at Career Advisor. They can also explore CareerOneStop webinars at WorkforceGPS: change occupations or industries, develop new skills and knowledge, find immediate employment, and more.

There’s more!

CareerOneStop also offers targeted resources for groups with particular employment needs, including workers age 55 and older, veterans, people with a criminal conviction, workers with disabilities, and more.


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