It’s the final day of #alaac18 – a time to wrap up business, say goodbye to friends and reflect on all that was accomplished.
You wore your nice socks.
You made it to the Closing General Session.
Waaaaaaay in the back for the last #alaac18 session. It’s been a great conference and this tweet is all the energy I have left 😬 pic.twitter.com/GfiBVP6eTT
— Klaudia Janek (@kjanek) June 26, 2018
And you’re happy you did.
You re-created a photo.
You have plans post-conference.
Plan to start eating like an adult again ASAP. Combo of #alaac18 and New Orleans led to some iffy nutritional choices (some desperate, some delicious)
— Meg Phillips 🇺🇦 (@meg_phillips7) June 26, 2018
You got the mention you were hoping for.
#alaac18 achievement unlocked: Cognotes mention! Thanks, @LibandLife! pic.twitter.com/qo1k1pn41k
— Carmen Cole (@CarmenCCole) June 26, 2018
You consumed your fair share of this beverage.
You took some nice shots.
Glad to see familiar faces and wonderful folxs stopped by the ALSC Charlemae Rollins President's Program #alaac18 #kidlit @librarieswehere pic.twitter.com/vbZL3rDHXD
— Sujei =) (@sujeilugo) June 26, 2018
You’re leaving inspired.
I was also moved by how many of the events explicitly focused on issues of diversity, inclusion, whiteness, etc. These conversations are important and the fact that @ALALibrary creates spaces to have them is great #alaac18
— Gigi (@gigiatthelib) June 26, 2018
You’re already looking forward to Midwinter.
TFW #ALAAC18 ends and it’s like leaving Hogwarts to live in the cupboard under the stairs for another six months until #ALAMW19 🙁 pic.twitter.com/aJpsGsv4Ij
— Jonathan Hunt (@jhunt24) June 26, 2018
BONUS tweet: And for some of you #alaleftbehind, you’ll now have some time back.
I'm glad the @alaannual Conference is pretty much over. It was taking more than twice the time in the morning to read all of my social media feeds. #alaac18 #alaleftbehind
— Melissa (@cololibrarygirl) June 26, 2018