Young Wins 2014 – 2015 ALA Presidency

May 3, 2013

Election results are in: Courtney Louise Young, head librarian at Penn State Greater Allegheny has been elected the 2014–2015 president of the American Library Association, defeating Barbara Froling Immroth, professor at the University Texas at Austin School of Information.

Young received 5,391 votes, while Immroth received 5,029 votes.

Young will become president-elect at the close of the 2013 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago and will assume the ALA presidency at the close of the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas.

Mario M. Gonzalez, executive director of the Passaic (N.J.) Public Library has been elected ALA treasurer for 2013–2016, defeating Clara Nalli Bohrer, director of the West Bloomfield (Mich.) Township Public Library, 5,096 votes to 4,751 votes.

A five-year dues adjustment mechanism proposal passed, 7,832 votes to 2,969 votes. The proposal directs the Executive Board to review personal member dues annually every September from 2013 to 2017 in consideration of a dues adjustment not to exceed the percentage change in the national average Consumer Price Index (CPI). Any increase proposed above the CPI would be subject to a mail vote of personal members, and any subsequent dues adjustment after 2017 would require approval by the ALA Executive Board, Council, and a mail vote of ALA personal members.

For more election results, including those for Council, divisions, and round tables, watch for updates at