Library Design Showcase 2011: Sustainable Construction

March 17, 2011

The trend towards building greener continues unabated. Features like green roofs, solar panels, landscaping to manage stormwater, and certification under the United States Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program are becoming almost commonplace. Another feature that’s gaining popularity: geothermal well systems that use the relatively stable temperature of the ground … Continue reading Library Design Showcase 2011: Sustainable Construction

Library Design Showcase 2011: Material Matters

March 17, 2011

A careful choice of construction material can enhance the performance and aesthetics of a building. These facilities offer examples of how the choice of material contributes to the final product. Click on photos or names for more information about each library.

Library Design Showcase 2011: Enhanced Functionality

March 17, 2011

Not many libraries restrict themselves to offering “traditional” library services. These are examples of how buildings support innovative library programming—or how they support everyday functions in a novel way. Click on photos or names for more information about each library.

Two Colorado Libraries Break New E-book Ground

March 16, 2011

Officials of two Colorado libraries announced March 16 that they will be adding to their catalogs e-books that are published by members of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA). The Red Rocks Community College Library and Douglas County Library also revealed that by June they plan to launch click-through links so interested patrons can purchase … Continue reading Two Colorado Libraries Break New E-book Ground

Learning Terrace To Embed Library throughout Drexel Campus

March 15, 2011

A new library facility at Drexel University in Philadelphia is “the first step toward embedding the libraries across campus,” according to Dean of Libraries Danuta Nitecki. The 3,000-square-foot Library Learning Terrace will be located on the ground floor of one of the campus’s residence halls. The space is intended to facilitate learning, rather than just … Continue reading Learning Terrace To Embed Library throughout Drexel Campus


Must We Abide?

March 15, 2011

More and more, publishers, database providers, and other corporate content proprietors are taking steps to replace the traditional benefits of ownership with the rigorously controlled provisions of licensing. Known as terms of sale (TOS) or end-user license agreements (EULAs), these licenses uniformly stipulate who can (and can’t) use a certain product and how that product … Continue reading Must We Abide?

Madison’s Mayor Joins Librarians’ Labor-Rights Rally

March 8, 2011

Mayor Dave Cieslewicz joined Wisconsin’s librarians March 6 as they again assembled to march to the State Capitol in opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s Budget Repair Bill (PDF file), whose passage would dramatically curtail collective bargaining rights for public-sector employees. “I was proud to join librarians to march to the Capitol and fight Scott Walker’s … Continue reading Madison’s Mayor Joins Librarians’ Labor-Rights Rally

I’m Not Your Scapegoat

March 7, 2011

I’ll admit it: I’ve always thought unions were a little passé. I just couldn’t shake the image of a typical union dude as a hard-bitten, grimy-fingered steelworker swigging black coffee spiked with gin. So despite the fact that as a public librarian I’m a dues-paying member myself, I’ve never mustered the enthusiasm to attend a … Continue reading I’m Not Your Scapegoat


The Little Library that Could

March 7, 2011

Inspiring libraries are often the ones with big budgets. They have impressive buildings, enormous collections, and large staffs. The Makiki Community Library in Honolulu, Hawaii, has none of these things, but that doesn’t make it any less remarkable. This small donations-based, volunteer-driven organization effectively executes its deep-seated mission of engaging the community. In the 1940s, … Continue reading The Little Library that Could

CES: The Librarian’s Takeaway

February 28, 2011

While ALA Midwinter 2011 was starting in beautiful San Diego, I was on a plane to a different, but equally sunny destination—Las Vegas, Nevada—to attend the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show . . . me, and 160,000 others. CES is the largest consumer electronics show in the world, with journalists, retail buyers, and manufacturers all … Continue reading CES: The Librarian’s Takeaway

Hope Springs Eternal

February 23, 2011

At this writing, the world outside my window resembles a snow globe. Despite lingering wintery conditions, I’m thinking of spring. Not just because I’ve tromped through the snow to see what’s happening to my garden. I’ve also been talking with Keiko Kasza, and although she’s working hard in the cold here and now, it will … Continue reading Hope Springs Eternal