IMLS, LSTA Saved – for Now

February 17, 2011

This just in from Kristin Murphy, government relations specialist for the American Library Association’s Washington Office: “Because of ALA’s unprecedented grassroots efforts this week on Amendment #35 to H.R. 1 (the Continuing Resolution to the FY2011 budget) was defeated. This victory for libraries is undoubtedly due to the strong grassroots efforts of librarians and library … Continue reading IMLS, LSTA Saved – for Now

Egyptians Find Their Power in Access to Information

February 16, 2011

The internet, along with Facebook and Twitter, was the Open University that facilitated learning about democracy for Egypt’s young people. The revolution had been brewing for the past 10 years or so, increasing by the day as more people acquired mobile devices. The ground in Egypt was ripe for revolution: Corruption was at its peak, … Continue reading Egyptians Find Their Power in Access to Information

All IMLS, LSTA Funding in Jeopardy

February 15, 2011

A bill that is coming up for a vote this week in the House of Representatives calls for the elimination of all Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) funding, including Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding, for the remainder of FY2011. Reaction to the introduction of Amendment 35 to the Continuing Resolution was … Continue reading All IMLS, LSTA Funding in Jeopardy

House Casts Shadow on Sunsetting Provisions of Patriot Act

February 9, 2011

By a vote of 277–148, the House defeated reauthorization of the “library” provision of the USA Patriot Act February 8 for the first time since its enactment 10 years ago. Section 215, which allows federal authorities conducting a counterterrorism investigation to seize someone’s library records or business records unbeknownst to the individual and without a … Continue reading House Casts Shadow on Sunsetting Provisions of Patriot Act

Approachable You

February 8, 2011

I am not a behavioral psychologist but it seems to me the most basic element of establishing a connection with someone is making eye contact. Take my granddaughter, Sophia. She’s 3 years old and is always the most popular person wherever she goes because she loves to go right up to people, look them in … Continue reading Approachable You

Joseph Janes

Lost and Found

February 8, 2011

At dinner the other night with friends, we learned that their eldest daughter, a college sophomore, had had her boyfriend visit for a few days over the holidays. The visit went fine, or so it seemed, and then the relationship ended, abruptly and unexpectedly. A sad, if not uncommon story; the punch line was how … Continue reading Lost and Found

Midwinter’s WikiLeaks Letdown

February 1, 2011

One of the key problems of our time is lack of government transparency, and therefore restricted public access to U.S. government information. The ongoing WikiLeaks disclosures highlight the need to protest these policies and get them changed. Several of the American Library Association’s core values are directly relevant to this discussion; “access,” “democracy,” “the public … Continue reading Midwinter’s WikiLeaks Letdown

Observers Sickened by Connecticut’s Sicko Controversy

January 25, 2011

Town officials in Enfield, Connecticut, have been accused in the court of public opinion of censoring the public library by forcing the library director to postpone indefinitely the January 21 screening of the Michael Moore film Sicko. Ironically, the controversy over the exposé of the American healthcare industry began two days before the U.S. House … Continue reading Observers Sickened by Connecticut’s Sicko Controversy

Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez on Libraries

January 25, 2011

In what looks very much like the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernández recently visited American Library Association Headquarters in Chicago, accompanied by First Lady Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, to talk with ALA staff about libraries. Fernández spoke passionately, but pragmatically, about his plans for developing a superior public library system … Continue reading Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez on Libraries

Detroit Faces Unprecedented Fiscal Crisis; Workforce Reduction Inevitable

January 22, 2011

“The Detroit Public Library is in the midst of a fiscal crisis that is unprecedented in magnitude and is likely to continue beyond this fiscal year,” DPL Executive Director Jo Anne Mondowney said in a January 18 memo to all employees. The erosion of funding will result in a drastic reduction in personnel and other … Continue reading Detroit Faces Unprecedented Fiscal Crisis; Workforce Reduction Inevitable

46 Chicago


January 20, 2011

The war was over, soldiers were returning to civilian life, and governments were beginning to rebuild. Beneath the euphoria, though, the Cold War was gathering steam, and a peculiar mood–a mix of relief, ennui, and alienation–was taking hold in the minds of survivors. Out of this cauldron of emotions came film noir, which critic Nicholas … Continue reading 1946