Georgia Archives to Stay Open

October 18, 2012

“Georgia’s Archives are a showcase of our state’s rich history and a source of great pride,” Deal said. In September, following the announcement of the closure, ALA President Maureen Sullivan wrote a letter to Gov. Deal, expressing her concern and dismay. Calling the Georgia State Archives a “treasure trove of unique documents and official records,” … Continue reading Georgia Archives to Stay Open

Ebook Economics 101

October 12, 2012

“Does the publishing community understand why librarians would balk at increases on the order of 100% or 200%?” wonders Carrie Russell of ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) over at the District Dispatch blog of the Association’s Washington Office. That’s a good question—one that needs a response steeped in indisputable data. Fortunately, Russell explains, … Continue reading Ebook Economics 101

DCL Ebook Report for Sept. 2012

October 3, 2012

Following yesterday’s report from Maureen Sullivan on the recent ALA visit to New York City to talk with publishers, here are updated figures from Douglas County (Colorado) Libraries on ebook availability and pricing. As Sullivan noted, the mission of the ALA delegation is to address “the ebook concerns that have come to us from ALA … Continue reading DCL Ebook Report for Sept. 2012

Focus on the Future

October 2, 2012

Last week, I led an ALA delegation to New York City to meet with publishers to discuss the many concerns of the library community about ebook publishing. Uppermost in our minds were the ebook concerns that have come to us from ALA members across the country—especially about pricing and availability (or the lack thereof) and … Continue reading Focus on the Future

ALA Responds to AAP Challenges on Ebooks . . . Before They Are Even Issued

September 27, 2012

The tweets were flying as ALA President Maureen Sullivan spoke earlier today at a meeting of the Association of American Publishers (AAP). Digital Book World (DBW) provided live coverage of Sullivan’s talk, the text of which was posted on this blog earlier today. Sullivan continued to focus on the potential strength of a strong library/publishing … Continue reading ALA Responds to AAP Challenges on Ebooks . . . Before They Are Even Issued

Libraries and Publishers Strengthening the E-Reading Ecosystem

September 27, 2012

The following is a summary of remarks ALA President Maureen Sullivan is delivering today at the Association of American Publishers Fall Meeting in New York City: We must build on the long-standing, successful partnership between publishers and libraries. Through our common goal of bringing authors and readers together, publishers and libraries have worked with each … Continue reading Libraries and Publishers Strengthening the E-Reading Ecosystem

Ethnic Caucus Presidents Discuss Advocacy at JCLC

September 20, 2012

The Latino community, for example, “is constantly shifting and changing,” said Denice Adkins of Reforma, but the unifying group for advocacy within the Latino community of librarians is the association, she said. Because a variety of cultures make up the community, Adkins emphasized that Latino librarians need to “have a voice in librarianship.” Jerome Offord … Continue reading Ethnic Caucus Presidents Discuss Advocacy at JCLC

This Just In: ALA Decries Hachette’s 104% Library Ebook Price Increase (Corrected)

September 14, 2012

Responding in no uncertain terms to reports that the Hachette Book Group will hike the price of backlist ebooks to the library market by 104% starting October 1, ALA President Maureen Sullivan issued the following statement this morning: “When Hachette announced it was stepping back into the library ebook market this past May with pilots that … Continue reading This Just In: ALA Decries Hachette’s 104% Library Ebook Price Increase (Corrected)