Ridiculous, Meet Sublime

March 16, 2010

Remember the old saying assuring us that even fools come in out of the rain? My new corollary is: Even naysayers need shelter from the storm—especially when the naysayers don't realize it. There's one particular naysayer I have in mind: Tommy Wayne Kramer, columnist for the Ukiah (Calif.) Daily Journal. Yesterday, I found myself combing … Continue reading Ridiculous, Meet Sublime

Congress Extends Library Provision of Patriot Act to 2011

February 26, 2010

The U.S. House of Representatives sent Pres. Obama a bill extending three often-contested provisions of the Patriot Act on the evening of February 26, two days before the sections were due to expire. Approved by a vote of 315–97 the night after the Senate passed the bill by voice vote, H.R. 3961 extends until February … Continue reading Congress Extends Library Provision of Patriot Act to 2011

Florida Man Sues Two Libraries for Religious Discrimination

February 17, 2010

A Florida man has filed a religious-discrimination lawsuit against Volusia County Public Library, Director Lucinda Colee, and the county, claiming that VCPL’s New Smyrna Beach branch declined his request to conduct a seminar called “Is Religion Alive in America?” there because library policy bans use of the meeting room for sectarian programming. The February 4 … Continue reading Florida Man Sues Two Libraries for Religious Discrimination

LSSI Loses Challenge to Florida Rule Mandating Full-Time Directors

February 3, 2010

A judge has dismissed a legal challenge brought by Library Systems and Services (LSSI) against a proposed rule that would require Florida’s public library systems to be administered by a full-time librarian employed by the library’s governing body. Proposed by the Florida Division of Library and Information Services as an amendment to the State Aid … Continue reading LSSI Loses Challenge to Florida Rule Mandating Full-Time Directors

A New Deal for Privacy?

January 16, 2010

“We need a New Deal about privacy,” said Hal Niedzviecki, author of The Peep Diaries, at the Office for Intellectual Freedom's kickoff for Choose Privacy Week, which will be first observed May 2–8, 2010. Niedzviecki discussed his flirtation with what he called “Peep Culture”—the willingness of people to share and consume the details of each … Continue reading A New Deal for Privacy?

Washington Office Update, part 1

January 16, 2010

The Washington Office covered a number of topics in its Midwinter update. Due to a scheduled interview on the MCCA/ALA Haiti Relief Fund, I was able to attend the first hour only; Pamela Goodes will be writing about topics discussed after I left. Patriot Act “It’s back, and it’s not real great news, said Lynne … Continue reading Washington Office Update, part 1

State Associations Join Call for End to Patriot Act’s Library Provision

December 9, 2009

As the December 31 deadline for reauthorization of three provisions of the USA Patriot Act approached, more than 30 state library associations had passed resolutions calling for Congress to allow Section 215, which permits the Justice Department to conduct searches of library and bookstore records, to expire. Many state library associations also voiced opposition to … Continue reading State Associations Join Call for End to Patriot Act’s Library Provision

Gamers take over U.S. libraries

November 18, 2009

Children, teens, and adults showed up in droves to play board games and video games at the biggest National Gaming Day yet November 14, with 1,365 registered libraries participating, easily doubling the number of participants from last year, NGD mastermind Jenny Levine told American Libraries. Libraries who participated in the massive, nationwide, ALA-sponsored event received … Continue reading Gamers take over U.S. libraries