
The Conversation Starts in Dallas . . .

January 11, 2012

Join the more than 10,000 library leaders, publishers, authors, and guests in discussions about the transformation of libraries, learn firsthand from frontline Occupy movement librarians, and engage in the excitement of Youth Media Award announcements during the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting January 20–24 at the Dallas Convention Center and area hotels. More than 1,800 … Continue reading The Conversation Starts in Dallas . . .

Visitors experience the reinvented Cambridge (Mass.) Public Library at its October 2009 reopening, and are reflected in the moment. Photo: Edward Lifson

Reflecting Our Communities

January 11, 2012

Few would disagree that a diverse work force makes us better stewards of the communities we serve. It enhances our ability to respond to an increasingly changing world of patrons, strengthens relations with our communities, and expands the creativity of our libraries. While efforts to diversify the profession have gradually improved in the past quarter-century, … Continue reading Reflecting Our Communities

No Longer Business as Usual

January 10, 2012

My first American Library Association Midwinter Meeting was in 1976. After stimulating learning experiences at two Annual Conferences, I really wanted to get involved. Colleagues advised me that Midwinter provided the best venue to do that with its focus on ALA business meetings. ALA’s open meeting policy allowed me to observe meetings related to my … Continue reading No Longer Business as Usual


Dining in Dallas

January 4, 2012

The informal parts of Midwinter—those personal meetings that take place outside of the official sessions, often over a good meal—can be among the most rewarding. Fortunately, Dallas offers plenty of options for tasty meals. Here, several Dallas librarians have shared some of their favorites. Near the convention center Within walking distance of the Convention Center, … Continue reading Dining in Dallas


Chapters, Affiliates Display Their Strength

December 14, 2011

ALA provides a strong, unified voice for our libraries. Much of the Association’s strength comes not just from our divisions, round tables, and other ALA units, but also from our chapters and affiliates. Each year, many chapters and affiliates invite the ALA president to participate in their conferences, providing a wonderful opportunity for both ALA’s … Continue reading Chapters, Affiliates Display Their Strength


The Big Easy Revisited

September 27, 2011

Returning to New Orleans for the 2011 American Library Association Annual Conference this year was both rewarding and emotional for many of us. Five years earlier, we traveled to Louisiana less than a year after the devastating hurricanes and massive flooding from failure of the levies. At that time, we were welcomed with much more … Continue reading The Big Easy Revisited


Leading By Example: Emerging Leaders

September 13, 2011

Newcomers to the profession are getting a boost toward leadership, thanks to ALA’s Emerging Leaders program. Emerging Leaders aims to put participants on the fast track to ALA and professional leadership by offering learning, networking, and volunteer opportunities. The program, which was launched in 2007 as one of Leslie Burger’s presidential initiatives, is limited to … Continue reading Leading By Example: Emerging Leaders

Government Information in Peril

July 29, 2011

Wake up, librarians! No-fee public access to government information is in danger, because on July 22 the U.S. House of Representatives voted 252–159 to drastically cut the Government Printing Office (GPO) appropriations for FY2012 and eliminate funding for the GPO Federal Digital System (FDsys). FDsys was created by GPO in 1994 to fulfill the requirement … Continue reading Government Information in Peril

My Midsummer Metamorphosis

July 29, 2011

Summer is an island. The trees around my house come into leaf, a bright and wafting curtain of green between me and the neighborhood. Spring semester has ended, and fall term lies far in the distance, little more than a dot on the horizon. Wavelets ripple and inch near, passing, but not pressing, reminders of … Continue reading My Midsummer Metamorphosis