Tapping In, Tapping Out

June 30, 2024

Three panelists and a moderator from BPL led a discussion at “When to Tap-In and Tap-Out: Nurturing Resilience and Renewing Bonds in Library Teams” at the American Library Association’s 2024 Annual Conference and Exhibition in San Diego on June 29. Moderator Nicole T. Bryan, branch manager at BPL’s Macon Library, said Tap-Ins are designed to … Continue reading Tapping In, Tapping Out

Headshot of Jess Williams

Sustainable Service Models

May 1, 2023

Many academic libraries have pivoted away from subject-based or discipline-based liaison models, which have traditionally relied on designated staffers to build relationships with faculty and act as points of contact for specific services. They are now switching to team-based models that prioritize functions like teaching, learning, research support, outreach, and collection strategies. The idea is … Continue reading Sustainable Service Models

Librarian's Library by Allison Escoto

Leadership at Any Level

May 1, 2023

Inspired Thinking: Big Ideas to Enrich Yourself and Your Community By Dorothy Stoltz, with Morgan Miller, Lisa Picker, Joseph Thompson, and Carrie Willson For libraries to remain relevant, the concept of inspired thinking is not only valuable but essential. Beginning with a hat tip to big thinkers like Plato and Shakespeare, this reflective volume outlines … Continue reading Leadership at Any Level

Under Pressure

January 3, 2023

“We had five books that a conservative community member objected to,” she says, referring to LGBTQ books and titles about President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. “We have the form to fill out. There’s a process that would work if people would go through it.” Instead, McMahon says, the patron did not file … Continue reading Under Pressure

Kimberley Bugg

Leveraging Talent

January 3, 2023

In sharing my frustration with others, I learned there was nothing novel about this scenario. Other librarians had experienced this phenomenon, which I refer to as a pipeline issue. The experience led me to write a paper, “Best Practices for Talent Acquisition in 21st-Century Academic Libraries,” rethinking traditional approaches to recruitment and retention. I went … Continue reading Leveraging Talent

United We Stand

September 1, 2022

Here are some strategies that helped us along the way: Talk with colleagues. Building worker power begins when workers talk with one another about their experiences on the job. When my colleagues and I started talking more, we realized that many of us shared the same issues and were able to discuss what we believed … Continue reading United We Stand

Catherine Murray-Rust speaking in the "Creating the Future Library Workforce" program at the ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition in Washington, D.C.

Solving Worker Struggles

June 27, 2022

Murray-Rust offered four questions, adapted from the Harwood Institute: What are your aspirations for the library workforce community? What challenges do you face in meeting them? What changes are needed in your community to reach those aspirations? And how are you committed to reaching those aspirations? Low compensation is a major problem across the library … Continue reading Solving Worker Struggles