Author Archive: Laurie D. Borman

Engaging Our Communities

February 20, 2013

Where’s Johnny Depp? In 2013, you can find him in American Libraries, as part of our annual Year in Review. He started his own book imprint last year, with the inaugural title—about Bob Dylan—slated to appear in 2015. There’s a lot more to our 2012 retrospective than celebrity sightings, though. Check out surprising Pew Research … Continue reading Engaging Our Communities

Library 2.012 Conference Explores the Future of Libraries

November 20, 2012

The 40 continuous hours of Library 2.012, the “Future of Libraries” free conference, which ran from October 3 through October 5, featured 150 presentation sessions and more than a dozen keynote addresses from across the globe. Topics ranged from physical and virtual learning spaces to evolving professional roles in today’s world, organizing and creating information, … Continue reading Library 2.012 Conference Explores the Future of Libraries

Gauging Your Interest

November 5, 2012

A few weeks ago, ­American Libraries sent you a survey. And despite all the other surveys and polls and requests that likely came to you this election season, more than 4,000 of you responded. Thank you for taking time to provide feedback. We want to know what you think about the magazine, and indeed, all … Continue reading Gauging Your Interest

Rocking the Joint

Rocking the Joint

October 3, 2012

Then a phoenix arose. Across the street from the closed library, a new high school was about to be built, including an 8,000-square-foot library building. Brian Bannon, Chicago’s library commissioner, heard that the Chicago Public Schools might be interested in sharing library space and costs. The idea was intriguing, and it seemed cost-effective, too. “We … Continue reading Rocking the Joint

Laurie Borman


May 19, 2012

Transforming sounds like such a magical process. In a glittery whirlwind, Cinderella is transformed from rag-covered servant to bejeweled beauty in a ball gown. Unfortunately, transforming rarely occurs in fairy-tale fashion. It’s a process that takes time, determination, and effort by dedicated teams. Glass slippers and fairy wands are strictly optional. In our May/June 2012 … Continue reading Transformations

PLA 2012: Powerful Advice, Practical Solutions

March 21, 2012

Admit it: You snag free books and party at receptions. But who would come to PLA2012 if there weren’t also meaningful programs, new products, great speakers, and networking opportunities? At ALA’s Public Library Association (PLA) National Conference in Philadelphia March 13–17, more than 6,000 attendees packed meeting rooms and the exhibit hall for all of … Continue reading PLA 2012: Powerful Advice, Practical Solutions

To Catch a Library Thief: Black Belt Security

March 21, 2012

Graham peppered his talk with anecdotes as he described how to create and maintain safer libraries. He should know.  He’s a frequent presenter on security at ALA and the author of the 2006 classic Black Belt Librarians: Every Librarian’s Real World Guide to a Safer Workplace (now published as The Black Belt Librarian: Real-World Safety and … Continue reading To Catch a Library Thief: Black Belt Security

Of Design, Danes, and Daffodils

March 19, 2012

What is your favorite library space? Perhaps a school library reading nook, or the august reading room from your university days, or maybe the balcony stacks in your hometown? The architectural design—and of course, a facility’s resources—draws you to these places and encourages you to stay awhile. That’s why American Libraries features new and now library … Continue reading Of Design, Danes, and Daffodils

Treasure Hunt

January 11, 2012

All of you who’ve weeded a collection know the challenges I face. Former American Libraries Editor Leonard Kniffel left me a legacy: file drawers stuffed with materials from his 15 years at the helm of this magazine. As someone new to the American Library Association and to this publication, it’s been somewhat daunting to determine what … Continue reading Treasure Hunt