Author Archive: Laurie D. Borman

Colleen Lyon, head of scholarly communications at University of Texas at Austin.

Wading the Muddy Waters: Educating on Copyright and Digital Archives

October 22, 2019

In this five-part series, American Libraries presents case studies and interviews with thought leaders looking at research trends in academic libraries. We’ll be covering trends on the topics of social justice, information literacy, digital archives, faculty outreach, and new technology. This is our third story in the series. Even with all that traffic, Lyon still gets … Continue reading Wading the Muddy Waters: Educating on Copyright and Digital Archives

Librarians Bridge the Gap: Accessing Public Health Information

September 17, 2019

In this five-part series, American Libraries presents case studies and interviews with thought leaders looking at research trends in academic libraries. We’ll be covering trends on the topics of social justice, information literacy, digital archives, faculty outreach, and new technology. This is our second story in the series. “Whether it’s helping to work with a question, … Continue reading Librarians Bridge the Gap: Accessing Public Health Information

Digging through Boxes, Delving into Databases

August 6, 2019

In this five-part series, American Libraries presents case studies and interviews with thought leaders looking at research trends in academic libraries. We’ll be covering trends on the topics of social justice, information literacy, digital archives, faculty outreach, and new technology. We’ll also explore how librarians build and grow relationships within the academic community. Our first … Continue reading Digging through Boxes, Delving into Databases

The 11 cascading levels of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Visiting Egypt’s Libraries

September 19, 2017

The new Biblioteca Alexandrina The Bibliotheca Alexandrina complex comprises not just a library building but also a planetarium and conference center. A large fence with guard stations about every 25 meters runs along the corniche. This was once where you could enter the grounds, but due to security precautions prompted by political turmoil, the entrance … Continue reading Visiting Egypt’s Libraries

ALA Council poses for a historic group shot. Photo by Cognotes

Council III Addresses Equity for School Libraries

June 28, 2016

Chair of Committee on Legislation (COL) Ann Dutton Ewbank gave her report and requested that the Deaf Culture Digital Library resolution (CD #46_62516) be deferred to Midwinter 2017 so that appropriate research can be conducted. The motion passed. The COL also presented four additional resolutions, which all passed. They included: A resolution (CD #20.4) to … Continue reading Council III Addresses Equity for School Libraries

Negotiation graphic from LLAMA President's Program

Lessons from Getting to Yes with Yourself

June 25, 2016

When William Ury, cofounder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation and the author of eight books about negotiating including the classic Getting to Yes, asks his audience which is tougher—negotiating with external audiences or internal ones like colleagues or family members—the answer is resounding: internal conflicts. Speaking at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition in Orlando for the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) President’s Program, Ury has the advantage. He knows we know the enemy and the enemy is us.

Disseminating the World’s Largest Genocide Testimony Archive

June 25, 2016

In seeking the partnership, the Shoah Foundation wanted to expand access of the testimonies from survivors, rescuers, political prisoners, and other witnesses from the Holocaust, the 1915 Armenian Genocide, the 1937 Nanjing Massacre, and the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. It was also looking to increase citations. With 112,000 hours of video that average two hours and … Continue reading Disseminating the World’s Largest Genocide Testimony Archive

Chris Murphy, ALA Editions publisher

11 Questions with Christopher Murphy

June 22, 2016

Murphy has nearly 30 years’ experience in editorial, production, and marketing positions at nonprofit organizations, most recently with the Association of International Educators (NAFSA), where he was senior director of publications and communications. He has a B.A. from Loyola University in Baltimore and a master’s from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Before packing his bags for Orlando, Murphy … Continue reading 11 Questions with Christopher Murphy

Talia Sherer, director of library marketing at Macmillan (left), and Wendy Bartlett of Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Public Library present at BEA.

Librarians Meet at BookExpo America

May 13, 2016

Rawlinson spoke as part of a book publisher marketing panel, one of a series of programs sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) called Libraries Transform: ALA@BEA that highlighted the role of libraries in the publishing business. The panel, “Publisher Marketing Teams Helping You Help Readers,” described the many ways that librarians can access publishers … Continue reading Librarians Meet at BookExpo America

Libraries Transform

Libraries Transform: ALA@BEA in Chicago

May 10, 2016

At McCormick Place Convention Center, Libraries Transform: ALA@BEA will focus on library transformation and what libraries do for and with people. The discussions on May 12 will showcase the strong role of libraries in the publishing business: “Embrace the Innovative Future of Readers’ Advisory” at 9 a.m. tracks the latest trends in readers’ advisory and will … Continue reading Libraries Transform: ALA@BEA in Chicago