Author Archive: Rod Hersberger

Rod Hersberger

ALA Endowment Update

July 17, 2019

The first is the endowment’s investment in private equity. While it is illiquid, private equity generally outperforms most other investment categories. We did not venture into this area lightly. The trustees conducted an extraordinary level of discussion, review, and due diligence before we made our first investment. In July 2015, we invested $2 million in … Continue reading ALA Endowment Update

Rod Hersberger

Strengthening the ALA Endowment

June 18, 2019

The first is the endowment’s investment in private equity. While it is illiquid, private equity generally outperforms most other investment categories. We did not venture into this area lightly. The trustees conducted an extraordinary level of discussion, review, and due diligence before we made our first investment. In July 2015, we invested $2 million in … Continue reading Strengthening the ALA Endowment