CareerOneStop.org, sponsored by the US Department of Labor, is a one-stop website for free, easy-to-use online tools and information.
Resources for career explorers
- Explorers of all ages can choose from three quick self assessments to learn more about themselves and the careers that might fit them best. These include: an Interest Assessment, a Skills Matcher, and a Work Values Matcher.
- For students (and data geeks!), the Occupation Profile provides details on more than 900 careers, including occupational descriptions and tasks, salaries, employment projections, and more. For visual learners, profiles also feature 90-second career videos.
- How-to Guide: Find career ideas is a step-by-step tool that helps users identify a career that fits their interests, skills, and work values.
Resources for job seekers
- The Job Finder lets users search thousands of job listings, updated daily, in any US location.
- The Résumé Guide is a step-by-step look at how to craft or polish a résumé that will stand out in today’s job market.
- The Networking and Interview and Negotiate tools offer tips and information to help job seekers shine at these key activities.
- How-to Guide: Find a job now offers six steps to help users target their résumé, find job openings, learn about local employers, apply for jobs, and more.
Resources for career changers
- mySkills myFuture allows users to explore career options based on the work experience they’ve gained in their current or previous jobs.
- Skills Matcher lets users rate their own skill and knowledge levels in 40 key areas, then provides them with a list of careers that match their results.
- How-to Guide: Switch Careers walks users through six steps to help them identify a new career focus and get ready to search for jobs in that new field.
CareerOneStop also offers targeted resources for groups with particular employment needs, including workers ages 55 and older, veterans, people with a criminal conviction, and workers with disabilities.
Training on how to make the most of CareerOneStop
Library staff will find on-point guidance for using CareerOneStop tools and resources at Career Advisor. You’ll find webinars, customizable PowerPoints, and more resources and curricula.