With most physical libraries around the country forced to close their doors, digital materials are more important than ever. The copyright issues involved with these materials can be difficult enough to process under normal circumstances; now they can seem even more overwhelming.
In an April 3 American Libraries Live webinar, Libraries and COVID-19: Considering Copyright during a Crisis, several panelists discussed how libraries can address these challenges and share practical tips and information about which digital content providers have loosened restrictions on their materials during this pandemic.
Panelists included:
- Lesley Ellen Harris, CEO of Copyrightlaws.com
- Jill Hurst-Wahl, associate professor of practice, Syracuse University School of Information Studies, and president of Hurst Associates, Ltd.
- Kenneth D. Crews, attorney, Gipson Hoffman & Pancione, and international copyright consultant
In case you missed our previous Libraries and COVID-19 webinars, you can view them on our website:
- Libraries and COVID-19: Managing Strategies and Stress
- Libraries and COVID-19: Providing Virtual Services
Stay tuned for upcoming events via social media, AL Direct, and the American Libraries website.