Top Ten Tweets – Tuesday (Day 5)

Librarians gain lasting memories on conference's final day

February 4, 2015

ALA Top Ten Tweets

It’s the official last day of #alamw15! 🙁

Adjusting to post-conference life and getting back to regular programming are proving to be difficult tasks after days in the winter wonderland of Midwinter.

much tired omg cold doge b such could like this for days but have work post #alamw15 no rest for weary shibe

If you have any ARCs you want to donate, please visit this Google doc!

Bonus tweets!

Thanks for attending Midwinter, be it through social media or in Chicago! We appreciate your support!


ALA Top Ten Tweets

Top Ten (or so) Tweets – Monday (Day 4)

Youth Media Awards set social media afire during Chicago blizzard

Mick Ebeling

Doing the Impossible

Mick Ebeling stirs Midwinter with inspiring stories