With many libraries currently closed to the public, library staff have adapted quickly to engage patrons through online programming. While some have been doing this type of programming for years, for others this is brand new.
Join us in this new episode of American Libraries Live, where our expert panel will discuss how they are reimagining programming during the pandemic, tools they are using to run online programs, best practices, and how the growth of online programming is likely to have a lasting effect on library services.
Our expert panel for this event includes:
- Amy Alessio, author, presenter, librarian, and programming expert
- Sydney Krawiec, youth services librarian at the Peters Township (Pa.) Public Library
This 60-minute webinar takes place June 1 at noon Central Time. Register now.
You can also view our previous Libraries and COVID-19 webinars:
- Libraries and COVID-19: Managing Strategies and Stress
- Libraries and COVID-19: Providing Virtual Services
- Libraries and COVID-19: Considering Copyright during a Crisis
- Libraries and COVID-19: Using 3D Printing to Make Personal Protective Equipment
- Libraries and COVID-19: Considering Copyright during a Crisis, Part 2
NOTE: Due to high demand, we are accepting up to 1,500 registrations for this event. Based on capacity, however, only the first 1,000 viewers to join the event will be able to attend live. We will be recording this event and will post the archive information to the American Libraries Live website as soon as it is available. We thank you for your patience. If you are unable to register, the webinar will be posted to our archive.