From left: Filmmakers Trish Adlesic, Nazenet Habtezghi, and Sheila Nevins.

Newsmakers: Trish Adlesic and Nazenet Habtezghi

February 20, 2024

Adlesic is codirector and producer of The ABCs of Book Banning, a 2023 film that has been nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Documentary Short category. Sheila Nevins, famed documentarian and current head of MTV Documentary Films, led the project, and journalist-turned-filmmaker Nazenet Habtezghi also codirected. American Libraries spoke with Adlesic and Habtezghi … Continue reading Newsmakers: Trish Adlesic and Nazenet Habtezghi

Headshot of Library's Library columnist Reanna Esmail

Seize the Data

June 1, 2023

Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism By Safiya Umoja Noble Understanding algorithms is crucial for library workers grappling with emergent technologies such as artificial intelligence chatbots and their effect on information access. This is one of the first major books to examine algorithms and how they may perpetuate biased representation, remaining on point … Continue reading Seize the Data

Headshot of Kelly Yang

Newsmaker: Kelly Yang

April 28, 2023

Yang, now a bestselling and award-winning middle-grade and YA author, spent her childhood moving from city to city, making it difficult to find her footing. But everywhere she went, she could find familiar stories and characters at the library. “Books became my friends, but most importantly, the library became my home,” Yang says. “It was … Continue reading Newsmaker: Kelly Yang

An article titled "Spotlight on Women Managers" that was featured in the January 1985 issue of American Libraries.

Women in Management, Revisited

March 23, 2015

Recently, we followed up with four of those interview­ees to see how their experiences matched—or didn’t match—their expectations, their observations of the cur­rent state of library management and of women within it, and the lessons they’ve learned over their careers. Our interviewees are: BRIDGET LAMONT, director of the Illinois State Library from 1983 to 2000, … Continue reading Women in Management, Revisited

Joan K. Lippincott

The Future for Teaching and Learning

February 26, 2015

What does the future hold for librarians’ participation in teaching and learning in colleges and universities? Many are already taking advantage of the opportunities pro­vided by the emergence of new technologies and faculty interest in giving students assignments that will engage them in their learning. I believe that the greatest oppor­tunities for librarians lie in … Continue reading The Future for Teaching and Learning


January 26, 2015 Headline Example of a caption in a gallery. Click here!

Latest Library Links, January 15, 2015

January 26, 2015

ALA News ALA President's Message: Everyone's work Survey on equity, diversity, and inclusion Midwinter Meeting News Five Chicago attractions for visitors on a budget Awards & Grants 2014 Jane Yolen Mid-List Author Award 2015 Digital Book Awards 2015 Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award Wikipedia wins 2015 Erasmus Prize Libraries eligible for 2015 Innovations in Reading Prize … Continue reading Latest Library Links, January 15, 2015