
Why Do Publishers Hate Us?

February 20, 2013

Okay, now I’ve got this bright, shiny new column to play with. What will I do with it? Be provocative? Reassuring? Speak the uncomfortable truth? Turn to history for lessons? Look to the future for inspiration? More than likely. For now, let me ponder this month’s title question. It doesn’t take much to find numerous … Continue reading Why Do Publishers Hate Us?

Karen Muller

Disaster Recovery, Going Green, Protecting Privacy: How We Do Librarianship

February 6, 2013

Regardless of how large (or small) your library is, or whether you serve elementary school students, college professors, or retirees seeking the latest book by their favorite author, you are affected by issues that may change how we “do” librarianship. Here are a few recent titles that discuss these topics, sometimes raising more questions than … Continue reading Disaster Recovery, Going Green, Protecting Privacy: How We Do Librarianship

Jenica Rogers

An Interview with Jenica Rogers

February 5, 2013

In 2012, Jenica Rogers, director of libraries for the State University of New York at Potsdam, drew attention in the library community for announcing candidly in September that she would not be renewing her university’s annual subscription to the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) online journals package because of ever-increasing subscription costs. Rogers’s stance sent shock … Continue reading An Interview with Jenica Rogers

By Phil Morehart

January 27, 2013

Who loves American Libraries? Authors visiting ALA Midwinter, that’s who!

Face-to-Face with Midwinter Authors

January 26, 2013

The ALA Midwinter exhibit hall is packed, as usual. Hundreds of attendees wind the aisles, stopping at vendor booths to peruse or buy books (and snag free promo copies), sample the latest in library technologies, or sign up for one of many prize drawings held throughout the weekend. Nestled among them are bestselling authors, who … Continue reading Face-to-Face with Midwinter Authors

Public Library Users Want Both Books and Technology

January 22, 2013

A new report by the Pew Research Center indicates that free access to technology in public libraries is as important to Americans ages 16 and older as printed books and reference services. “Library Services in the Digital Age” (PDF file), released January 22 by the center’s Pew Internet and American Life Project, showed that 80% … Continue reading Public Library Users Want Both Books and Technology

Keith Michael Fiels

Reenvisioning ALA

January 14, 2013

Over the past few months, the ALA Executive Board has been involved in a range of discussions that reflect some of the more urgent issues facing libraries, and the Association’s strategic priorities. Because the Association, like libraries, must change and evolve to best serve our communities, a series of brainstorming meetings this fall asked both … Continue reading Reenvisioning ALA

Maureen Sullivan

What You Can Do about Ebooks and Libraries

January 14, 2013

I wanted to share ideas about what you can do to help solve the problem of publishers who will not sell ebooks to libraries. Stay informed. The ALA Transforming Libraries website and the American Libraries E-Content blog provide breaking news, as well as information about various studies, and reports. These  include recent ebook research, information … Continue reading What You Can Do about Ebooks and Libraries


Digitized to Distraction

January 8, 2013

Digital literacy is supposedly what will save the public library, and I don’t doubt that. While you hear stories about welfare recipients and street people carrying around the latest in iPhone technology, those of us who labor in the public library vineyard know that those kinds of tales are triumphs of distortion over reality. Supposedly, … Continue reading Digitized to Distraction

Karen Muller

Leadership and Advocacy

December 26, 2012

A thread through ALA President Maureen Sullivan’s mission has been “leadership.” Leadership takes many forms throughout our professional lives. We lead colleagues to accomplish the work of our libraries; we lead community groups to advocate on behalf of the library; we lead teams to learn new skills or to adapt a service in new ways. … Continue reading Leadership and Advocacy