Ernie Cox

Knowing What Readers Need

May 12, 2014

The era of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in American education carries both promise and peril. Pundits readily discuss varied perspectives about CCSS in everything from traditional journals to social media. While it is vital for school librarians to participate in this discussion, many are realizing how important it is to work with fellow educators … Continue reading Knowing What Readers Need

Keith Michael Fiels

Libraries Transforming Communities

May 5, 2014

All around us, libraries are transforming as they adapt to broader changes in the communities they serve and the environment in which they now operate. In the process, librarians have discovered that as they better understand their communities and their aspirations, the more deeply they are “engaged”; the more impact they can have on their … Continue reading Libraries Transforming Communities

Now Trending: Tech and People News

May 5, 2014

This issue (May 2014) we invited Marshall Breeding to give us a status and trends report on strategic products of the library technology industry. His detailed investigation begins here. He has been reporting on technology in the industry for more than a decade and regularly provides updates for us and on his own site. Breeding … Continue reading Now Trending: Tech and People News


Fired Up for Retirement

April 21, 2014

Above all, every library director with a standard seven-member board of trustees knows one fact of life: the rule of four. It takes only four votes to get you fired. If you’re unlucky, your board has only five members. Things can get very dicey when it takes only three votes to get you fired. So … Continue reading Fired Up for Retirement

An Egg-ceptional Exhibit Benefits Hurricane-Ravaged Library

April 11, 2014

Easter eggs of every description, some 5,000 in all, are being exhibited as a fundraiser for Schoharie (N.Y.) Free Library every weekend in April through Easter Sunday. The Mildred Vrooman Easter Egg Exhibit in Schoharie includes elaborate egg-based scenes that feature backdrops and accessories made of materials such as costume jewelry, fur, shell, ribbons, and … Continue reading An Egg-ceptional Exhibit Benefits Hurricane-Ravaged Library

Joseph Janes

Leading from All Sides

April 8, 2014

I’m in a meeting as I write this. (It happens; don’t tell anybody I work with, okay?) Don’t get the wrong idea … all of our meetings are vital and gripping, and everybody looks forward to them. Just like yours, right? In all seriousness, though, as I sit here, I’m struck by the various roles … Continue reading Leading from All Sides

Abby Johnson

Reading Wildly

March 31, 2014

Can you provide excellent readers’ advisory without reading widely yourself? This question, posed to my Twitter followers (whose replies shared a refrain of “No way”), led me to rethink the way I train my staff on readers’ advisory. Of course there are ways to become familiar with books without actually reading entire works—reviews, first chapters, reliance on … Continue reading Reading Wildly

Libraries Celebrate Women’s History Month

March 18, 2014

Every March, the National Women’s History Project announces a new theme to celebrate Women’s History Month; this year, the theme is “Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment.” As part of this national celebration, libraries around the country are honoring women and their contributions to history with lectures, movie screenings, and art shows. Here is … Continue reading Libraries Celebrate Women’s History Month


One Product, Many Users

March 11, 2014

Terry Winograd, professor of computer science at Stanford University, is one of the top leaders in human-computer interaction. For a dozen years, he has collaborated with the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the D School) at Stanford University to present a course on the design of computer- and telecommunication-based applications. All of its courses are … Continue reading One Product, Many Users

Barbara Stripling

Creating a Participatory ALA

March 3, 2014

ALA is in the process of reimagining itself. We have engaged in conversations with members, Council, the Executive Board, and division leadership to understand what we, as a profession, want from our Association. In a nutshell, we have found that we want a welcoming, inclusive, engaged, and supportive organization.  Taken at face value, these attributes do not … Continue reading Creating a Participatory ALA

Emerging Leaders Poised for Action

March 3, 2014

What’s it like to be selected an Emerging Leader? Find out about this year’s class of 56 up-and-coming librarians in our cover story. Once again this year we’re featuring each Emerging Leader on trading cards, which will be available at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas. Not only are these leaders … Continue reading Emerging Leaders Poised for Action