
Atlanta University Center's Robert W. Woodruff Library serves the oldest and largest consortium of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Preserving Black Academic Library History

February 6, 2012

The HBCU Library Alliance, a consortium that promotes collaboration among information professionals and excellence in library leadership, was established in 2002 and continues to provide an array of training and development opportunities for member institutions, including photographic preservation, reports, assessments, and leadership workshops. So far, the project has documented nine success stories. Here are two … Continue reading Preserving Black Academic Library History

We Need Copyright 2.0

February 1, 2012

I applaud the hard work of everyone who has tackled the thorny issues confronting libraries in the increasingly hostile ebook environment in which we find ourselves. However, I believe we are missing an essential component in any solution: copyright law reform. At last summer’s ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, I listened to an impassioned … Continue reading We Need Copyright 2.0

Providing the Tools

January 31, 2012

In the 1990s, libraries were pioneers in providing access to the internet in their communities. Even today, libraries are the only place some community members can get online. Over the past few years, libraries have begun positioning themselves as the go-to place for digital creation technologies, providing hardware and software that most people wouldn’t have … Continue reading Providing the Tools


Top 10 Library Stories of 2011

January 12, 2012

These are the top library stories of 2011, as selected by American Libraries editors. Share your top 10 in the comments. 1. Ebook Escapades HarperCollins imposed an arbitrary 26 loans per ebook license and Penguin refused to let libraries lend its new titles altogether. Even good e-news had a catch: Patrons who could now borrow … Continue reading Top 10 Library Stories of 2011


Treasure Hunt

January 11, 2012

All of you who’ve weeded a collection know the challenges I face. Former American Libraries Editor Leonard Kniffel left me a legacy: file drawers stuffed with materials from his 15 years at the helm of this magazine. As someone new to the American Library Association and to this publication, it’s been somewhat daunting to determine what … Continue reading Treasure Hunt


The Conversation Starts in Dallas . . .

January 11, 2012

Join the more than 10,000 library leaders, publishers, authors, and guests in discussions about the transformation of libraries, learn firsthand from frontline Occupy movement librarians, and engage in the excitement of Youth Media Award announcements during the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting January 20–24 at the Dallas Convention Center and area hotels. More than 1,800 … Continue reading The Conversation Starts in Dallas . . .

Visitors experience the reinvented Cambridge (Mass.) Public Library at its October 2009 reopening, and are reflected in the moment. Photo: Edward Lifson

Reflecting Our Communities

January 11, 2012

Few would disagree that a diverse work force makes us better stewards of the communities we serve. It enhances our ability to respond to an increasingly changing world of patrons, strengthens relations with our communities, and expands the creativity of our libraries. While efforts to diversify the profession have gradually improved in the past quarter-century, … Continue reading Reflecting Our Communities