
Facebook for Libraries

May 27, 2011

Today, I spent part of the day connecting with people. I complained about a silly election video, chatted with a college friend about a band, and put some finishing touches on plans for a conference taking place at the library. I did all this through Facebook. These days, it seems like everyone has a Facebook … Continue reading Facebook for Libraries


The Best in Library Branding

May 27, 2011

The John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award (JCD) turned 65 years old this year and celebrated this milestone with the Midwinter announcement of the 2011 winners. Five vibrant libraries demonstrated innovative, outstanding marketing strategies in campaigns ending in 2010: Anythink Libraries of Adams County, Colorado; Edmonton (Alberta) Public Library; Loudoun County (Va.) Public Library; … Continue reading The Best in Library Branding


Reading for Life: Oprah Winfrey

May 25, 2011

“I don’t believe in failure,” Oprah Winfrey has said, and when you talk about celebrities who influence reading, who among them has had more of an impact on American reading habits than this extraordinary television talk-show host? The ways Oprah Winfrey has supported the programs, the mission, and the success of libraries in the United … Continue reading Reading for Life: Oprah Winfrey

Keith Michael Fiels

The Digital Revolution and the Transformation of Libraries

May 25, 2011

Two major topics dominated discussions during the ALA Executive Board Spring Meeting April 22–24 at the Association’s Chicago headquarters. ALA’s new 2015 strategic plan now includes a Transforming Libraries goal that calls for the Association to “provide leadership in the transformation of libraries and library services in a dynamic and increasingly global digital library environment.” … Continue reading The Digital Revolution and the Transformation of Libraries

Wrapping Up a Busy Year

May 18, 2011

For my last message as ALA president, I’d like to update members and others on the initiatives that were kicked off at the Inaugural Banquet last June and offer a brief comment on recent events that affect the future of libraries. With “Our Authors, Our Advocates: Authors Speak Out For Libraries,” we tapped into a … Continue reading Wrapping Up a Busy Year


Renewing Our Mission in New Orleans

May 16, 2011

Librarians, library support staff, vendors, and guests will once again bring their economic and muscle power to assist New Orleans’ public libraries, schools, and community rebuilding projects during the American Library Association’s 135th Annual Conference, June 23–28, taking place at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, area hotels, and other venues. ALA held the first … Continue reading Renewing Our Mission in New Orleans

Children’s Services Champion Virginia Mathews Dies

May 11, 2011

Virginia Mathews, 86, renowned advocate for family and early-childhood literacy and outreach programs, consultant, and author who was respected in the publishing and library worlds, died May 7. Instrumental in the success of both the 1979 and 1991 White House Conference on Library and Information Services (WHCLIS), Mathews navigated a career that bridged the worlds … Continue reading Children’s Services Champion Virginia Mathews Dies

Library Advocates Head for the Hill

May 11, 2011

Federal budget threats targeted at library programs dominated the discussions May 9 during the briefing day preceding this year’s National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) held by the American Library Association’s Washington Office, but the 361 NLLD participants who came to Washington, D.C., were not deterred by the uncertainty in the Capitol. “I think it makes … Continue reading Library Advocates Head for the Hill


Library Advocacy: One Message, One Voice

April 4, 2011

Our advocacy efforts must convince officials that libraries are essential and critical community services. Otherwise, like other services perceived as worthwhile, library budgets will suffer greater cuts than services seen as critical. One of ALA’s responses to the 1990s recession was to organize a “Rally for America’s Libraries / Caravan on Wheels,” that traveled from … Continue reading Library Advocacy: One Message, One Voice

Transforming Libraries

March 21, 2011

A key goal of the 2011–2015 ALA strategic plan is to provide leadership in the transformation of libraries and library services for today’s dynamic and increasingly global digital information environment. Virtually every media interview I’ve had during the past seven months has been an occasion to illustrate how libraries, the people who work in them, … Continue reading Transforming Libraries