Privatization Showdown Moves to Osceola County, Florida

October 26, 2011

After several months of rumors about the future of the Osceola Library System that serves Osceola County, Florida, a series of public hearings that began October 25 are seeking to explain why county officials are considering the outsourcing of library services to Germantown, Maryland–based privatization firm Library Systems and Services, Inc., and how LSSI plans … Continue reading Privatization Showdown Moves to Osceola County, Florida


National Book Festival Stacks Up as Record-Breaker

October 5, 2011

Like a good book, the 11th annual National Book Festival in Washington, D.C., September 24–25, took read­ers to places they had never been before. The new expanded two-day schedule of events, record roster of writers, and new pavil­ions reflected recent literary trends. With the theme “Celebrate the Joys of Reading Aloud,” the festival was organized … Continue reading National Book Festival Stacks Up as Record-Breaker

Using Web Analytics Well

October 5, 2011

Are your website visitors doing what you expect them to do or what you want them to do? Are they following the path you thought they would follow when you designed your menu system? Are visitors to your digital-library page finding the link to historical photos of your city or the university’s archival images? These … Continue reading Using Web Analytics Well

Main Street Public Library

Main Street Public Library

September 27, 2011

One day in the mid-1990s Doug Zweizig and I were having lunch on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, where we both taught. I was contemplating a history of the small-town American public library, I told him, but wanted a fresh perspective. Eighty percent of public library systems existed in towns of fewer than 25,000, I … Continue reading Main Street Public Library


The Big Easy Revisited

September 27, 2011

Returning to New Orleans for the 2011 American Library Association Annual Conference this year was both rewarding and emotional for many of us. Five years earlier, we traveled to Louisiana less than a year after the devastating hurricanes and massive flooding from failure of the levies. At that time, we were welcomed with much more … Continue reading The Big Easy Revisited

Linda W. Braun

The Lowdown on STEM

September 20, 2011

Each week I have at least one conversation about how schools and libraries are working to support teaching and learning in STEM: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. I’ve discovered that some librarians are struggling to figure out what their role should be in the STEM universe. I’m here to give you a few pointers. First, … Continue reading The Lowdown on STEM


First Things First: First-Class Service for 1st Graders

August 8, 2011

On eight school-day mornings every September, school buses pull into the Selma–Dallas County (Ala.) Public Library every hour starting at 9 a.m., unloading 40–50 bubbling 1st graders. They line up excitedly outside the door and then head in for one of the library’s best programs for kids. “Welcome to Your Library” has been welcoming 1st-graders … Continue reading First Things First: First-Class Service for 1st Graders