
Octavia Spencer Chat Caps Annual
July 2, 2013During the interview, Spencer entertained an estimated 1,000 conference-goers with humorous and inspirational tales about Hollywood, acting, and growing up poor in Alabama. One day, as she was preparing for her role as Minnie in The Help—the film for which she won an Academy Award for best supporting actress—Spencer said she realized she had the … Continue reading Octavia Spencer Chat Caps Annual

Mark Frauenfelder Makes Stuff Happen
July 2, 2013He began by looking at the history of making in the United States. In 1900, 80% of Americans worked on farms; today, only 2% do, Frauenfelder said. So if you worked on a farm back then, you likely lived far away from an urban area and therefore had to learn how to make your own … Continue reading Mark Frauenfelder Makes Stuff Happen

Alice Walker: The Library Has Been a “Haven”
July 2, 2013“That is the sound that I would like to go around to all the people who are standing, especially our sister down in Texas,” she said to applause, referring to Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis, who recently filibustered for 11 hours to temporarily block a controversial anti-abortion bill in the state. Women must control our … Continue reading Alice Walker: The Library Has Been a “Haven”

40 Great Apps for Mobile Reference and Outreach
July 1, 2013More than 200 conference-goers packed the small room booked for the session, with many peering through the doorway and sitting on the floor. During their presentation, branch manager Richard Le and adult services librarian Mel Gooch, both from San Francisco Public Library, shared what they have found to be dozens of apps that provide innovative … Continue reading 40 Great Apps for Mobile Reference and Outreach

John Lewis’s March
June 30, 2013That was only one of many stories US Congressman John Lewis (D–Ga.) told a packed room of librarians during his Auditorium Speaker Series speech on Saturday afternoon. His deep, sonorous voice scarcely needed a microphone as he recounted his early years in the Civil Rights Movement—as one of the original Freedom Riders in 1960, as … Continue reading John Lewis’s March

Freakonomics Author Keynotes the Opening General Session
June 29, 2013ALA President Maureen Sullivan introduced the bestselling coauthor of Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by quoting how the Wall Street Journal once described him: “If Indiana Jones were an economist, he’d be Steven Levitt.” Upon taking the stage, Levitt said that he was on cloud nine for about two weeks … Continue reading Freakonomics Author Keynotes the Opening General Session