Author Megan McDonald (far left) reads to kids during a School Library Month event.

Newsmaker: Megan McDonald

April 18, 2016

How did you become this year’s spokesperson for School Library Month?  MEGAN McDONALD: It’s been amazing. I didn’t even really grasp what was being asked of me, but the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) came to Candlewick Press, my publisher, and asked if I’d be the spokesperson for School Library Month. I feel so … Continue reading Newsmaker: Megan McDonald

Librarian Carrie Rogers-Whitehead (pictured) created Salt Lake County (Utah) Library’s sensory storytimes with special activities to engage kids on the autism spectrum.

Storytime for the Spectrum

March 1, 2016

“She began crying and got very upset. She said, ‘I’m so sorry. They have autism. We don’t go to the library very much because I don’t feel welcome,’” says Rogers-Whitehead. And that was the beginning of the Salt Lake County (Utah) Library’s sensory storytime—a special program for children on the autism spectrum. Rather than exclude … Continue reading Storytime for the Spectrum

Keep Me Safe Storytime

Keep Me Safe Storytime

February 25, 2015

This case fueled talk in the community for months. However, on the heels of the Boston Marathon bombings four months later, much of the talk dissipated. Community leaders became concerned that the issue of child sexual abuse would take a back seat to newer—more sensational—news, and lose focus within the community, leaving abuse to perpetuate. … Continue reading Keep Me Safe Storytime

Día de los Niños/Día de los Libros 2014

May 2, 2014

The holiday, now commonly known as Día, celebrates multicultural children’s books, reading, and education, with libraries holding reading events and play activities for young patrons. What may have been one of the wildest celebrations in the country took place at Joliet (Ill.) Public Library. Wildlife education center Big Run Wolf Ranch brought to the library … Continue reading Día de los Niños/Día de los Libros 2014

Libraries across the country celebrated Read Across America Day on Sunday, March 2, Dr. Seuss’s birthday.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

March 5, 2014

The variety of costumes on display weren’t limited to Cats in Hats. Tuscaloosa (Ala.) Public Library saw Horton from Horton Hears a Who, thanks to members of the Tuscaloosa Children’s Theatre Seussical cast. Activities around the country included a wide variety of children’s crafts, such as a pipe cleaner sculpture created by Bozeman (Mont.) Public … Continue reading Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss