Two teens wearing aprons work side-by-side at a metal counter, arranging an array of cheese, meat, fruit, vegetables, and crackers on their boards.

Crafting Charcuterie

January 2, 2025

Inspired by the library’s popular how-to charcuterie events for adults, staffers Amanda Krumrine and Nancy Farace have hosted two teen snack-board classes to engage young patrons. In these classes, teens learn how to make the boards by laser-cutting wood in the maker­space at CCPL’s Exploration Commons location and later assembling the meats, cheeses, and other … Continue reading Crafting Charcuterie

Food cart on wheels whose sign reads "Pier Tamales"

By the Numbers: Small Business

November 1, 2024

With small businesses employing almost half the US workforce, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, public libraries contribute significantly to the economy through resources that support small businesses and the entrepreneurs who start them. 5.5 million The record-breaking number of new businesses started in 2023, according to the US Census Bureau. 50% Approximate number … Continue reading By the Numbers: Small Business

Image shows a row of paper bags filled with Maynard (Mass.) Public Library's February spice of the month, fenugreek.

The Spice of Life

May 1, 2024

“Staff will come down and say, ‘What’s going on? Everything smells so good,’” says Sally Thurston, MPL’s adult programming coordinator and circulation assistant. Since January 2022, Thurston has run the library’s spice club, which offers patrons kits filled with a featured spice, recipes, and other information based on the selection. Patrons then prepare a dish … Continue reading The Spice of Life

Episode 91: Good Morning, Baltimore!

Call Number Podcast: Good Morning, Baltimore!

January 16, 2024

First, American Libraries Associate Editor and Call Number host Diana Panuncial speaks with David Thomas and Tonya Thomas, both chefs and food historians. The husband-and-wife duo is behind Baltimore’s H3irloom Food Group, a culinary organization with a mission of uplifting the Black food narrative through catering and educational events. They discuss their cooking journeys and … Continue reading Call Number Podcast: Good Morning, Baltimore!

Music and Mocktails at Grand Forks (N.Dak.) Public Library

Spirit-Free Spaces

January 2, 2024

In response, several public libraries around the country are now providing adults-only, sober-curious programming to educate attendees on making alcohol-free mixed drinks, often called mocktails or sober cocktails. “Coming out of COVID, there were a lot of people [who said], ‘I want to get healthier, I want to feel better,’ and they tried a sober … Continue reading Spirit-Free Spaces

A patron at Charleston County Public Library in South Carolina picks up fruits and vegetables from one of its Free and Fresh Fridges.

Fresh Ideas

June 1, 2023

“We know that if people don’t have enough food, every other need they have is going to seem secondary,” says Montgomery, associate director of community engagement at Charleston County (S.C.) Public Library (CCPL). The pandemic exacerbated food insecurity throughout the country, with an estimated 3 million more US residents facing food insecurity in 2020 than … Continue reading Fresh Ideas

Charlie cart

By the Numbers: Food

November 1, 2021

350 Number of classes offered annually through Free Library of Philadelphia’s (FLP) Culinary Literacy Center. According to FLP, this kitchen classroom is the first of its kind created at a public library in the US. $9,000 Amount that Chattanooga (Tenn.) Public Library spent on a Charlie Cart—a mobile kitchen that includes a convection oven, an … Continue reading By the Numbers: Food

Foodlink Community Café in Rochester (N.Y.) Public Library’s Central Library provides culinary training and work experience for people who have faced barriers to employment. Photo: Foodlink

Cafés with a Conscience

November 1, 2021

“We talked about how we could make things better in our neighborhood,” says Patricia Uttaro, director of RPL and Monroe County Library System. “We have been doing a lot of work with our library on social justice and conversations on race. We wanted to find a solution there.” RPL collaborated with Foodlink, a local nonprofit … Continue reading Cafés with a Conscience