Building the Digital Public Library

April 19, 2012

There are no bricks, architect, or blueprint for the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). But as John Palfrey, codirector of Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society, says, the DPLA has built a strong foundation through a growing and vibrant community. The project, hatched in October 2010 by the Berkman Center, hopes to … Continue reading Building the Digital Public Library


April 19, 2012

One of the interesting conversations that has emerged from ALA’s Digital Content and Libraries Working Group (DCWG) is a comparison of Publishing with a capital P and publishing with a lowercase p. Or, to be blunt, commercial Publishing vs. self-publishing. But is there something in the middle? Something between a capital P and a lowercase … Continue reading [P/p/?]ublishing

The Guide on the Side

April 10, 2012

Many librarians have embraced the use of active learning in their teaching. Moving away from lectures and toward activities that get students using the skills they’re learning can lead to more meaningful learning experiences. It’s one thing to tell someone how to do something, but to have them actually do it themselves, with expert guidance, … Continue reading The Guide on the Side

Catalogers, Take This Library of Congress Survey

March 28, 2012

Technical services librarians are invited to participate in a survey that examines the value and use of the Library of Congress bibliographic data and cataloging products. The library will use the results to guide its strategic responses to this constantly changing bibliographic environment, and help it to effectively define its future role, adopt a sustainable … Continue reading Catalogers, Take This Library of Congress Survey

Why Ebooks Need Libraries

March 28, 2012

About a week ago, an ALA colleague popped into my office with an epiphany. “Libraries will never die out. You know why? If they didn’t exist, people would be inventing them.” As you might imagine, that got us to talking and finding examples—and it certainly wasn’t hard. Little Free Libraries, anyone? They are springing up … Continue reading Why Ebooks Need Libraries

Click Here to Engage

March 28, 2012

Librarians who teach are always looking for ways to get patrons more actively engaged in instruction sessions. Research has shown that active learning can have positive effects on student learning and certainly helps to get students to reflect on the application of what they’re learning. In large lecture classes, most active learning exercises simply aren’t … Continue reading Click Here to Engage

Ebook Talks Continued: ALA Meets with Distributors

March 20, 2012

ALA President Molly Raphael prepared this summary of the meetings of members of the ALA Digital Content and Libraries Working Group with ebook distributors at the Public Library Association Conference in Philadelphia, as well as a panel she moderated at the Association of American Publishers meeting: At last week’s Public Library Association (PLA) conference in … Continue reading Ebook Talks Continued: ALA Meets with Distributors

A Conversation at the Newberry

March 12, 2012

Author Scott Turow and US Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner discussed the future of authors, books, and libraries at the Newberry Library in Chicago February 22 at the second of the “Conversations at the Newberry” series. Turow, currently in his second term as president of the Author’s Guild, spoke passionately about the rights of … Continue reading A Conversation at the Newberry