Headshots of candidates for 2026-27 ALA president candidates

Cronk, Jamison, McCauley Seek 2026–2027 ALA Presidency

December 9, 2024

The ALA Nominating Committee also announced on November 12 the 21 nominated candidates who are running for a total of 12 at-large seats on ALA Council for the 2025–2028 term. The presidential candidates announcement reads as follows: Lindsay Cronk, dean of libraries at Tulane University in New Orleans; Andrea Jamison, assistant professor of school librarianship … Continue reading Cronk, Jamison, McCauley Seek 2026–2027 ALA Presidency

American Library Association logo

Pun to Step Away from ALA Presidency

June 14, 2024

“Raymond Pun, in line for the American Library Association presidency, will not assume the role for health reasons. He was to take office as president-elect after ALA’s Annual Conference adjourns in early July, and he would have been president in 2025–2026. The 2024–2025 Executive Board will fill the vacancy within 30 days of taking office, … Continue reading Pun to Step Away from ALA Presidency

Headshot of Ray Pun with the text 2025-2026 ALA President and the ALA logo

Pun Wins 2025–2026 ALA Presidency

April 8, 2024

Pun received 5,611 votes, while his opponent Sam Helmick, community and access services coordinator at Iowa City Public Library, received 2,778 votes. Upon learning the outcome of the election, Pun said, “Thank you to each and every member who voted and became part of the ALA community to make our profession and Association stronger together. I … Continue reading Pun Wins 2025–2026 ALA Presidency

Photo of Raymond Pun

Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Raymond Pun

March 1, 2024

Today, libraries and library workers are enduring simultaneous challenges of book bans, artificial intelligence, climate crises, surveillance, digital content price gouging, job burnout, and workplace safety. ALA must realign itself and its core values to empower our work and better support our communities during these turbulent times. As a first-generation college graduate and an emergent … Continue reading Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Raymond Pun

Hepburn Elected ALA Treasurer

April 13, 2022

Hepburn received 8,947 votes in the uncontested election. Hepburn will step into his role as treasurer at the close of the 2022 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition in Washington, D.C. Upon learning the outcome of the election, Hepburn said, “What an incredible honor to be able to serve our association in this capacity and to … Continue reading Hepburn Elected ALA Treasurer

Emily Drabinski

Drabinski Wins 2023–2024 ALA Presidency

April 13, 2022

Drabinski received 5,410 votes, while her opponent, Kelvin Watson, executive director of the Las Vegas–Clark County (Nev.) Library District, received 4,622 votes. Upon learning the outcome of the election, Drabinski provided the following statement: “Thank you to everyone who participated in this election. I am humbled and excited to serve as your 2022–2023 president-elect. Thank … Continue reading Drabinski Wins 2023–2024 ALA Presidency

Emily Drabinski

Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Emily Drabinski

March 1, 2022

I take this call seriously. I edit a reinvigorated reviews section for ­College & Research Libraries. I’ve served on Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) program planning committees, led information literacy standards and guidelines work, and presented on a broad range of topics at ALA and ACRL conferences. As a member of Core, I … Continue reading Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Emily Drabinski