Loida Garcia-Febo

Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Loida Garcia-Febo

March 1, 2017

I serve as an advocate for libraries every day. Why? Because libraries change lives in every community in our nation. Our strong value system propels us to create new ways to do such things as help children read, assist job seekers, support first-generation college students, and connect battered women and children with shelters. As confirmed … Continue reading Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Loida Garcia-Febo

Susan Hildreth, candidate for ALA treasurer

Meet the Candidate for ALA Treasurer: Susan Hildreth

March 1, 2016

As your treasurer, I will be dedicated to ensuring the financial success of ALA at this critical time for our Association and our profession. We must increase revenue and effectively align our resources to support key priorities—advocacy, information policy, and professional and leadership development—so that libraries and librarians can be relevant and successful now and … Continue reading Meet the Candidate for ALA Treasurer: Susan Hildreth

Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, candidate for ALA president

Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe

March 1, 2016

By joining together as a community of colleagues, we accomplish more than we can alone. We raise the visibility of the impact that libraries have in our communities. We challenge each other to innovate and transform our practices. We support each other. We are strong. But we can be stronger. ALA is the oldest and largest library association … Continue reading Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe

Christine Lind Hage, candidate for ALA president

Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Christine Lind Hage

March 1, 2016

America’s libraries are continually challenged with underfunded budgets, emerging technologies, threats to patron privacy, and expanding responsibilities and demands on library professionals. It is imperative that the American Library Association (ALA) inspire, empower, and support librarians so the profession can continue to lead in our democratic society. Our libraries are not obsolete. They are not … Continue reading Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Christine Lind Hage

Laughlin Withdraws Candidacy for 2017–2018 ALA Presidency

October 16, 2015

“I will forever count the nomination as the high point of my career,” Laughlin said in an October 16 statement. “I was looking forward to meeting many librarians and supporters and learning more about ALA during the next few months, and potentially becoming spokesperson and cheerleader-in-chief for the implementation of ALA’s exciting new strategic plan. With … Continue reading Laughlin Withdraws Candidacy for 2017–2018 ALA Presidency

ALA 2016-2017 President Julie Todaro

Todaro Wins 2016–2017 ALA Presidency

May 8, 2015

CHICAGO – Julie Todaro, PhD, Dean of Library Services at Austin (Tex.) Community College, has been elected president-elect of the American Library Association. Todaro received 2,899 votes, while her opponents, Joseph Janes, associate professor and chair of the MLIS program at the University of Washington Information School, received 2,877 votes; James LaRue, CEO of LaRue & Associates, … Continue reading Todaro Wins 2016–2017 ALA Presidency

James LaRue, candidate for ALA president

Meet the Candidates for ALA President: James LaRue

March 16, 2015

I have spent my career as librarian, community leader, newspaper columnist, radio and TV show host, writer, teacher, and a leader of statewide, regional, national, and even international efforts in positioning the library for tomorrow. If we are to survive and thrive in that tomorrow, we must shift public perceptions of our roles. As ALA President, … Continue reading Meet the Candidates for ALA President: James LaRue

JP Porcaro, candidate for ALA president

Meet the Candidates for ALA President: JP Porcaro

March 16, 2015

Presidential initiative To paraphrase Eli Neiburger, deputy director at Ann Arbor (Mich.) District Library: “Libraries aren’t about what we buy,” they are about what we do, and library staffers are the doers. As president, I will challenge ALA to embark on a large-scale public relations campaign demonstrating that it’s the staff that makes a library. … Continue reading Meet the Candidates for ALA President: JP Porcaro

Julie Todaro, candidate for ALA president

Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Julie Todaro

March 16, 2015

Our primary Association, the American Library Association, is critical to the success of the profession in general and is critical to the present and future success of libraries, library workers, and library supporters. Although the Association has always managed dozens of issues simultaneously as well as speaks to the needs of members, ALA has chosen … Continue reading Meet the Candidates for ALA President: Julie Todaro