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Global Economics at Your Fingertips

February 13, 2025

Where should you begin? Start with our Essential Reading Guides, which are curated lists of resources covering major IMF topics. Each Essential Reading Guide links to IMF publications, blogs, videos, data, and more—all helpful resources for research on a particular topic. Here are some of the Essential Reading Guides topics that you can learn about … Continue reading Global Economics at Your Fingertips

Lyn Haralson, a financial education program analyst at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, presents at the American Library Association's 2023 LibLearnX conference in New Orleans on January 28. Photo by Rebecca Lomax of American Libraries.

Money Talks

January 28, 2023

“It’s an ever-evolving process,” Lyn Haralson told attendees at “Building Youth Financial Capability through Storytime,” a January 28 program at the American Library Association’s 2023 LibLearnX conference in New Orleans. Haralson, a financial education program analyst at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), discussed the Money as You Grow resources and book list that her … Continue reading Money Talks

Aiden Street

Money Know-How

June 27, 2022

Patrons and students need guidance to navigate what can feel like an overwhelmingly complex financial landscape. And if the nation is to address its wealth inequality, libraries can help. Moderator Kenneth McDonnell, financial education program analyst at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, gave an overview of a pilot project the US federal agency created to … Continue reading Money Know-How

A cartoon image of a woman snips off a chain attaching her to a graduation cap, meant to symbolize student debt.

Recognition and Relief

June 1, 2022

Created to facilitate the forgiveness of remaining balances on federal Direct Loans (student loans made directly by the US Department of Education), PSLF made headlines as a way to free up financial futures for many people. To be eligible for forgiveness, individuals had to have made 120 monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while … Continue reading Recognition and Relief

Call Number Podcast: Making Financial Sense

April 18, 2022

Episode 70, “Making Financial Sense,” marks the podcast’s six-year anniversary and the first installment helmed by American Libraries Associate Editor Diana Panuncial. In this episode, we celebrate Financial Literacy Month and wrap up Money Smart Week (April 9–16). The podcast team talks with library workers about some big questions around money: How do we raise … Continue reading Call Number Podcast: Making Financial Sense

Loan forgiveness

Recognition and Relief

March 15, 2022

Created to facilitate the forgiveness of remaining balances on federal Direct Loans (student loans made directly by the US Department of Education), PSLF made headlines as a way to free up financial futures for many people. To be eligible for forgiveness, individuals had to have made 120 monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while … Continue reading Recognition and Relief

Dewey Decibel Podcast: Money Talk

April 9, 2018

First, American Libraries Associate Editor and Dewey Decibel host Phil Morehart talks with Lori Burgess, director of operations at Fond du Lac (Wis.) Public Library and the recipient of a 2012 Wisconsin Financial Literacy Award, about her library’s programs and why financial literacy education is important. Next, Morehart speaks with Heather McCue, a children’s librarian … Continue reading Dewey Decibel Podcast: Money Talk