Historic Hunterfly Road Houses, Weeksville Brooklyn.

Sponsored: New Online This Fall: African American Communities

September 3, 2015

The oral histories (sourced from the Atlanta History Center, Washington University in St. Louis and the Weeksville Heritage Center) contain personal accounts of the Atlanta civil rights movement, African-American art and culture, and the African-American community of Weeksville, Brooklyn. One favorite is an interview with Raven Wilkinson from “I’ll Make Me a World: African-American Artists … Continue reading Sponsored: New Online This Fall: African American Communities

Sponsored: Sierra Hits a New Milestone with 500 Systems Worldwide

May 20, 2014

It’s been an exciting couple of weeks here at Innovative and we have some important news to share about Sierra today.  No fanfare or drum roll is available, but I am very pleased to announce that over 500 library systems have now installed or purchased the Sierra library services platform. A couple of years ago … Continue reading Sponsored: Sierra Hits a New Milestone with 500 Systems Worldwide

Sponsored: “Innovative Booth for Libraries” at SXSW

April 16, 2014

While I was in Indianapolis at PLA, Innovative’s Joe Murphy, Director, Library Futures, was in Austin, Texas at the well-known South by Southwest (SXSW) conference where emerging technology leaders, start-ups, and media entrepreneurs came together to discuss and even create the latest trends. With Joe taking the lead, Innovative was working closely with many partners … Continue reading Sponsored: “Innovative Booth for Libraries” at SXSW