ALA Calls on Random House to Reconsider Major Ebook Price Increase

March 2, 2012

The following is a statement issued today by ALA President Molly Raphael: While I appreciate Random House’s engagement with libraries and its commitment to perpetual access, I am deeply disappointed in the severe escalation in ebook pricing reported today. Calling on our history together and our hope to satisfy mutual goals moving forward, the American … Continue reading ALA Calls on Random House to Reconsider Major Ebook Price Increase

Is It Censorship If It’s Pizza?

February 29, 2012

I love reading Seth Godin’s work; his musings on marketing and business practices provide a wealth of ideas for libraries. Recently he launched a new project on transforming schools called “Stop Stealing Dreams” that includes a core manifesto on education. Godin is spreading the free manifesto far and wide, but ran into a bit of … Continue reading Is It Censorship If It’s Pizza?

Providing the Tools

January 31, 2012

In the 1990s, libraries were pioneers in providing access to the internet in their communities. Even today, libraries are the only place some community members can get online. Over the past few years, libraries have begun positioning themselves as the go-to place for digital creation technologies, providing hardware and software that most people wouldn’t have … Continue reading Providing the Tools

Code Year Librarians Geek Out

January 23, 2012

One of the quickly organized conversations at Midwinter this year was the Code Year Meetup, which took place Monday morning in the Networking Uncommons. Code Year is a free online Javascript course offered by Codeacademy. Andromeda Yelton formed a group in ALA Connect so participants can support each other as they progress through the course. … Continue reading Code Year Librarians Geek Out

Inside DCWG: The First Meeting

January 22, 2012

This E-Content blog is your exclusive, inside source to the workings of the new ALA Digital Content and Libraries Working Group (DCWG). In addition to general updates I will be writing as a member of the DCWG, other section/division representatives will share their takes on the many issues surrounding digital content. This theme of sharing … Continue reading Inside DCWG: The First Meeting

Why Librarians Don’t Share Code

January 21, 2012

Many librarians love to use open-source software, but are reluctant to contribute their code back to the community. At LITA’s Drupal4Lib Interest Group discussion, Chair Nina McHale presented the results of a survey of librarians that tried to find out why. Only 15% of respondents said they had contributed code back to open-source communities. Nearly … Continue reading Why Librarians Don’t Share Code