Author Archive: Sarah Ostman

Serving Homeless Patrons in the COVID-19 Shutdown

March 18, 2020

Originally published at Programming Librarian, March 17, 2020.  It may not be possible to offer in-person services for patrons experiencing homelessness during a shutdown, but libraries can help by making information more accessible. Stevie Pinkerton, a homeless man living in Denver, said he relies on bathrooms at Denver Public Library’s Central branch and the local rec … Continue reading Serving Homeless Patrons in the COVID-19 Shutdown

Author Chris Bohjalian

The Center of the Community

September 10, 2019

“Almost without exception, at one point that morning, each [person] was crying,” recalled the New York Times–bestselling novelist. “They would not have cried for the loss of CD-ROMs, but they cried for books … they cried for their community center.” But Lincoln’s is not just a story of loss, Bohjalian explained in a lunchtime session … Continue reading The Center of the Community

Ferguson Municipal Public Library Director Scott Bonner

Ferguson, One Year Later

August 7, 2015

ALA: How are you feeling about the anniversary? Scott Bonner: Worried. Not knowing is the worst part. There’s a possibility that we’ll see a big crowd of protesters, and if the police react strongly, things could get rough. We just don’t know. I tend to be optimistic, but I was also optimistic about the grand … Continue reading Ferguson, One Year Later