A Day Before Disgrace

July 31, 2012

[EDITOR’S NOTE: American Libraries conducted the following interview with writer Jonah Lehrer on July 29, one day before news broke that Lehrer was resigning from his position as staff writer at The New Yorker. It was discovered that he had fabricated quotes from singer-songwriter Bob Dylan and had included those quotes in his bestselling book … Continue reading A Day Before Disgrace

First Winners of Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction, Nonfiction

July 30, 2012

Anne Enright, author of The Forgotten Waltz, and Robert K. Massie, author of Catherine the Great, were the first winners of the Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction and Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction respectively. The winners were announced at ALA’s Annual Conference in Anaheim, California, on June 24. Booklist Editors Donna Seaman and Brad Hooper … Continue reading First Winners of Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction, Nonfiction

SLA in Chicago Enchants, Challenges Special Librarians

July 18, 2012

The Special Libraries Association, the international association of information professionals and special librarians in corporations, business, science, government, and academic institutions, met in Chicago July 15–18 for its annual conference and expo. The small group (final attendance hasn’t been tallied, but past conferences averaged 4,000–6,000), a fraction of the number who attended the 2012 ALA … Continue reading SLA in Chicago Enchants, Challenges Special Librarians


Vendors Showcase Their Wares in Anaheim

July 16, 2012

Interested buyers found tech products that press beyond established boundaries as well as those that enable bread-and-butter library activities in the Anaheim Convention Center during the 2012 ALA Annual Conference. Products ranged from discovery services that aim to deliver access to the universe of library collections to new library management systems bringing together print, electronic, … Continue reading Vendors Showcase Their Wares in Anaheim

Chicago Public Library Commissioner Brian Bannon

Newsmaker: Brian Bannon

June 14, 2012

Bannon, who earned his MLIS from the University of Washington in 1999, joined CPL in March 2012, succeeding Mary Dempsey, who stepped down after nearly 18 years as commissioner. Now, several months into his new role, Bannon—who says he has “hit the ground running”—took a break from his whirlwind introduction to CPL and the city … Continue reading Newsmaker: Brian Bannon


Annual Conference Preview: Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves

June 13, 2012

Attendees say ALA’s Annual Conference is the “best gathering for professional development opportunities, exhibits and vendor reps, and networking possibilities that a librarian is likely to find” and “the gold standard in professional development and networking.” Join the discussion during ALA’s 136th Annual Conference in Anaheim, California, June 21–26. Hear from the two winning authors … Continue reading Annual Conference Preview: Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves

Community Reference: Making Libraries Indispensable in a New Way

June 13, 2012

Libraries are constantly evolving to adapt to the needs and desires of our users. Most of these changes have occurred inside our buildings, from obtaining cutting-edge technology to providing self-service and redesigned spaces. While these changes have been vital, they have failed to increase our presence in the community. How can we truly demonstrate our … Continue reading Community Reference: Making Libraries Indispensable in a New Way


Transforming Libraries . . . Continued

June 6, 2012

When Maureen Sullivan becomes ALA president on June 26, one thing that is certain to continue from Molly Raphael’s presidency is the thematic focus on “Transforming Libraries.” “Since ALA leaders build on the work of their predecessors, it is particularly fortuitous that Maureen and I have been able to work closely together,” Raphael said. “Our … Continue reading Transforming Libraries . . . Continued